
What type of husband/Father are you?

Every woman’s dream is to get married someday. However, their wish is not to get married to any type of man, but to get to a good man. Question is, what type of husband/Father are you?

Every woman wants a loving, caring, and understanding man as a husband: not a dictator, boss husband, drunkard, or egoistic husband.

They need someone who can be perfect for her, someone who can usher her into that magical dream “world” that is full of love.

No one is indeed extremely perfect, but one can at least try to have some qualities that every good man possesses.

Today, I am putting out this question to you:

What type of husband/Father are you?

1) What type of husband/Father are you? Are you the type of husband/father that loves the wife and the children? Or hate the wife and love the children?:-

Ephesians 5: 25, God instructs husbands to love their wives.

But some men have not listened to that command from God; they have thrown away the love they had for their wives and put all the love only on the children.

A man I know too well told me some time ago that he doesn’t love his wife anymore, but the children.

Did you remember that your wife was there before the children came? Did you remember that without your wife your children will not be?

Your children will grow up someday and leave your house, they are not destined to live with you (in marriage.

When they leave, it will be just you and your wife for the “woven of years”.

Therefore love your wife and take care of your children, so that you will fulfill the word of God.

2) What type of husband/Father are you? Are you supportive or against your wife:-

A good man makes her wife stand tall in everything. They are always there to support the wife in everything in all their good endeavors.

When she wants to take a piano lesson, or take a stroll with her friends, you are there for her.

A man’s support makes her wife feel secure and gives her the energy to take “calculative risks”.

When a woman is not supported by her husband, she feels inferior whenever she sees other women that get support from their husbands,

Also remember that she will never be happy to know that she stands alone in everything and when mama is not happy, no one else is happy.

3) What type of husband/Father are you? The type of husband that helps the wife with the domestic chores:-

I wrote an article some time ago, asking men to help out with domestic chores; but I got some negative reactions.

All the men are saying that their wives will use them as a maid if they do so.

But it is really good to help your wife do some chores especially when you see that she is busy with other things.

Remember, she is also a human being and gets tired like every other person.

5) What type of husband/Father are you? The type of husband/father that empowers or criticizes the wife:-

When you criticize your wife constructively, it will not hurt her, but if you are the type that goes beyond the constructive type of criticism, then you should be classified as a bad hubby.

criticism destroys someone’s life. You may think you are helping her when you do so, but something else is happening inside her,

It can make your wife hide things from you, seek validation outside and even start resenting secretly.

But when you encourage your wife, she becomes open to you and she will always seek a way to make you and your marriage happier.

6) What type of husband/Father are you? The type of man that is devoted to his family:-

A devoted husband shares his deepest thought with his wife, love to spend time with her, pays attention to those little things that matter, and gives emotional support to the wife.

The man that is not devoted abuses and destroys the peace and joy of the marriage.

So choose to be the devoted type.

7) What type of husband/Father are you? The husband/ father that takes care of his wife and family needs:-

A husband must see that the needs of his wife and the children are met, although women can support them too if they work also.

But when a man refuses to see that the responsibilities of his family rest on his shoulders, then he is not a good husband.

8) What type of husband/Father are you? The husband/father that keeps his wife and marriage first above everything or neglects the family:-

God commanded the men to love their wives as Christ loves the church.

There is no other higher calling that.

Marriage is different from any other “role” we fill and also different from the type of jobs we do.

God elevated marriage higher, more than ever another thing. Simply put, let all you think to be how you can please God and fulfill his commandments concerning your marriage, and it starts with making your marriage a priority.

9) What type of husband/Father are you? The type of husband that thinks marriage is a contract and not a commitment:-

Some men think that marriage is a contract where they get exactly what they invested inside.

Did you think that you must get the same amount of love, the same amount of care, and the same amount of support before you do your best for your marriage? Then you are making a very big mistake.

For a marriage to be successful, you must think of how to get committed to making it work. You must make some special personal sacrifices because all you want is to have the best marriage and be the best husband.

10) What type of husband/Father are you? The type of spouse that doesn’t plan things with the wife:-

The couples that make their marriage successful are the ones that work as a team.

They understand the affirmation that “two heads are better than one” some couple has gone out of sync and now works against one another.

But understand that couples that work as a team accomplish so many things in life.

You may think you can accomplish that task without telling your wife, but things can be a little much better if you had planned with her.

Allow her to share her opinion concerning that task and choose the best from her advice.

11) What type of husband/Father are you? The type of spouse that abuse the wife and provoke the children:-

Do you abuse your wife physically, emotionally, or verbally?

In any way you do that, just know that you are an abusive husband and you are overly killing your wife and your marriage.

It is important that you quit the lifestyle so things will start working well again in your relationship.

12) What type of husband/Father are you? The man/husband that is not careful about how he deals with the opposite sex:-

One of the things women detest is to see that they have rivals and your wife feels the same too.

How do you relate with that your neighbor, that co-worker that is not the same sex as you?

You may take her just like your friend, but your wife may feel she is your lover and you know what that means,

So if you have been too close to that lady in your office, or your neighbor, you may be killing your marriage without knowing it.

Rounding up:-

You must read this post very well to know so you can answer the question “What type of husband/Father are you”?

But, the most important is to make amendments and become the best you can be; that is the only criterion to make your marriage a happy one.

If you are encouraged by this write-up, please feel free to share it with your friends using the “LINKS” below.

I am still your friend murphyaik.

See you always at the top.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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