About Us


What is the status of your marriage now? happy, semi-happy, or not happy at all?
We are here to help you restore and rekindle passion if you will let us to

                    Welcome to happymarriagebuilder.com

On happymarriagebuilder.com, you will be amazed by the wealth of information and advice we give out on how to be free from marital conflicts and the easiest and safest ways to restore joy, peace, and love back in your marriage once more.

“Our followers at happymarriagebuilder.com have greatly benefited from our advice, helping many couples revive their marriages.”

Most couples have given up their plans to get a divorce by merely reading our articles.

                 Who am I and why am I talking to you now? 

Uchegbu Ikenna ( Murphyaik) is a talented encourager and motivator. He is an authority when it comes to marriage and how to make it happy again after so many breakdowns and disconnections.

His 10 years of experience in helping partners develop great relationships make him ready to assist with your marriage today.

Here is why I am interested in your marriage.
I went to a marriage ceremony one day, and the master of the ceremony asked a question that raised my concern about marriage.

Here is the question: and I will know how strong your marriage is from the way you answer this question too.

“If for any reason your marriage is dissolved now and you are asked to get married again, would you go back to your spouse again?
That question helped me to understand that many couples are just enduring their marriage instead of enjoying it.

Here at happymarriage builder.com, we will not only help you get the passion back in your marriage, but you will also understand how to enjoy every moment with your spouse

                   Is this your first time here?

If this is your first time to be a happy marriage builder, then we strongly believe you want to take your marriage to another height; may I welcome you once again?

Here is how to start getting what brought you here in the first place: Subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Twitter, or like our Facebook page.

We appreciate your coming here, and we promise you a jolly ride here at happymarriagebuilder.