
7 Types of men perfect for marriage

I don’t know about you, but one thing I know pretty well is that every single girl’s desire is to have a good man as a husband. Someone who will be perfect for marriage, someone who will be there always when he is needed, the type of man who will make her feel secured and loved.

However, you will agree with me that those types of men are not so easy to come across, you can’t get them by mere wishing or believing; you have to open your eyes wide in other to recognize them when they cross your part.

As a relationship instructor, I have come across a lot of good husbands and the wives who cherish them so much.

One thing I have never stopped doing is to get closer to their wives and ask two of these important questions which are.

1 why did you chose this man as a husband?

2 What qualities make you love him so much?

And with the answers I got from these women, I have composed this article so as to help you make that right choice.

If you are still single and wondering how you can get a good man to settle down with, I have good news for you.

This article is all you need, because I took the time to research, just to give you some guidelines that will help you get the man who will be just perfect for you.

This point will open your eyes, and help you streamline your search for someone that will be perfect for marriage.

If you are ready, then let’s go.

7 Types of Men perfect for marriage.

1) A God-fearing man:

A God-fearing man is someone who is God minded whenever he wants to do anything.

He respects others, he loves to extend godliness, and he can hardly be offended and forgives easily too.

In his mind, he always believes that he is accountable to someone superior to him for every one of his actions.

But, I did say that marrying a God-fearing man will make your marriage free from challenges, no, there will always be disagreements and quarrels.

The good thing is that he knows how to keep going forward, even when there is trouble because he has faith in his foundation, which is Christ.

Those are the qualities that make a man a hot cake for every woman.

2) A good provider:

This is the type of man who makes his family a priority. His wish is always about what to do next to make sure his family is not starved.

He wouldn’t mind doing two or three different types of jobs in other to provide those needs and will always struggle to make more money not just for himself, but for the well-being of his family.

He is not self-centered, that’s why he is ready to give up that overtime if he thinks he is missing time with his family.
He pursues perfection in his family and business life and knows how to balance both work and family.

3) A perfect thinker:

This is the type of man who doesn’t wallow in his failures.

Sure they make mistakes, they spill the beans some times, but immediately you see them thinking and looking for the easiest ways to get things right again.

He is not afraid to see any problem, because he always has a road map of ample solutions to the problems.

He knows how best to get through any matter that arises in their life.

4) A self-controlled man:

Proverbs 25: 28, a man without self-control is like a city broken and left without walls.
Self –control is an important part of a man’s maturity. The Webster dictionary describes self-control as a restraint exercised over one’s emotions or desires.

He is the type that will say no to what other men are rushing at; because he is sure it will not be of benefit to him.

He controls the way he talks and acts, he is the type that will not abuse his wife.

He masters his mood knows how to manage his money and health. What usually matters to him is how to accomplish more and enjoy his achievements.

Is that the type of man you want?

5) Positive attitude man:-

Attitude is a serious thing when it comes to a relationship. You need a man who will be a rock to you, who will be the strength you need when you are in your weakest moment.

He is not at all isolated from having problems and frustrations; however, he knows how to handle it.

To him, problems mean just stepping stone for greater success.

That type of man will not want to see you shed tears, because he is always there to comfort you. With great advice that will lift burdens from your heart.

6) Respectful man:

respect is important in every relationship; Since they said that respect is reciprocal, you will prefer to have the type of man who will return the respects you give him also.

In his book “Love and respect,” Dr. Emerson wrote extensively about the loving role of a man and the respectful role of a woman.

But, there is a misconception about the whole issue; the truth is that the same way a man need respect, women also need to be reciprocated.

The respectful husband knows how to talk to his wife without shouting even when there is a need to shout and always look for a way to know his wife better and also keep his promises.

That is the type of man you will love to marry, isn’t it?

A selfless man: selfishness destroys a relationship. A selfish husband thinks about himself only, takes care of himself and gathers so much for himself, but gives nothing or little to the spouse.

But a selfless man will place his priority in meeting your needs and your family needs.

Rounding up:-

Marriage is not a day, month, or one-year relationship. It is a life commitment and so needs carefulness when choosing the partner to share it with.

Granted, I have to give you some quick tips to help you narrow your to find that that’s perfect for marriage.

Now it is all left with you to work with the points I have listed and see the progress you’ll record in a space of time.

Bonus read. You can also read these

1 How to be the best husband.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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