
9 Interesting Life-styles of a happy husband and wife

No husband and wife was created to be happier than the other, and yet all the couples are not created equal.

If you are having a strong and happy marriage today, then you will agree with me that there is nothing like luck, when it comes to having a happy marriage.

The truth is that “happy marriage doesn’t just happen”, you have to work hard to make it happen.

The couples that have a peaceful marriage always look for a way to make their marriage happier and also to improve their commitment to their marriage.

They see things from a different perspective than the unhappy couples.

In this post, I will show you some situations where happy couples differentiate themselves from the unhappy ones as well as how you can start today to see things the same way they do.

9 The lively lifestyle of a happy husband and wife.

If you are ready to know, then let’s get started.


1They keep the friendship aspect of their marriage strong:-

Research by Bill Hanawalt, a pastor of the Vineyard Christian Church of Evanston says that marriage without friendship will never work.

Friendship in marriage means honesty, companionship, mutual respect, and vulnerability. It is when we are doing things together that friendship comes; says C S Lewis.

This is the reason couples must not play with the friendship they share together. There is a need to nurture friendship daily in your marriage, else your marriage will not stand the test of time.

Some couples have left their career, children and work affect their emotional connection which affected their friendship and create a vent for infidelity.

However, The happy husband and wife are always very careful about their friendship, and that is what helps them grow thick.

2 They pray together:-

You will be so shocked to find out that many Christian couples don’t have time to pray together ( sometimes the only time they remember to do that is when someone inspires them to do so, or when they are having a meal).

But the bible said “The family that prays together stays together” This is true because of prayer

(a) Brings you and your spouse to the presence of God.

When you and your spouse kneel and with your heads bowed in His presence of God which shows reverence to God as whom He created in His image. Whenever we render worship to Him, we show openness to Him and to our spouse as well.

(b) It helps to unite us:-

As you hold your spouse’s hand, you are demonstrating unity with him/her. Therefore, praying together with your spouse creates spiritual unity among you.

(c) It removes selfishness:-

Sometimes when you pray alone, you concentrate on yourself only, but when you pray together, you see the need to pray for your spouse also.

All these show that praying together matters very much than anything to couples and so if you have not been praying together, start now.

Learn to pray over each other, encourage one another and also share your success, needs, and disappointments.

(3)They know how to create caring moments:-

The happy couples are also faced with the same problems faced by the other couple, but instead, ad they let their challenges bring them down, they create an atmosphere that gives them an edge over their circumstances.

They spend time to laugh away their problems and create happy memories.

It is very easy to allow boredom or busyness takes over your marriage. However, you can find time to take a walk together, go for a date or relax in your home together with the electronics gadgets off, as you share your dreams, your couple’s goal as well as your individual goals. Al so learns to recall all the great memories from the day you started dating.


(4) They never turn away from each other:-

They stay with each other when he/she is passing through a challenge.

(5) They are always grateful for what they have:-

They are aware that having a good wife and a caring husband is not easy, so they value each other, and are always grateful to God for bringing them together in the right place.

Learn to show some appreciation to your spouse on a daily basis, and never forget ho hold his/her and say “Thank God for making me marry you”.

(6) Love genuinely: –

It is easy to say you love someone; everyone can say that but is it coming from your heart.

Since marriage is a lifetime commitment, it is important you like your spouse very much.

There are times when you’ll detest what your spouse does; there are times when you’ll feel like killing him/her or even thrown in the towel.

But when there is genuine love, it will help to calm the situation. The Bible says “love covers a multitude of sin” and loving your spouse means that no matter what he/she does, I will forgive and move on because I can’t stand losing the love of my life.

(7) Work as a team:-

The marriage arithmetic says that 1+1 =1; that simply means that a man and woman become one the moment they married.

Therefore, to have a successful marriage, you must continue to work as a team.

Nothing can give you confidence than when you know that your spouse is right there behind you at all times and that he always on the lookout for how to make you feel loved.

(8) They appreciate each other:-

That simple word “thank you” should always be in your mouth always, because everyone feels better when they are respected and appreciated.

Every day, your spouse does so many things like making the dinner, working overnight just make things easier for all of you; but, do not overlook those little things. Always find a way and show some appreciation.

If you have not been noticing them, it is not late; you can start today.

Truth is that the more you say thanks to what the universe offers you, the more you receive those kinds of things.

(9) They have romantic times together:-

with so many things that are set to swallow your time daily, it may be very easy to forget to obsessive “the couple’s time”.

Romantic time is different from the normal time you spend together.

This is a time when you plan to connect with your spouse romantically and it helps to keep the fire of marriage red-hot.

An adage says “A grass becomes greener when you water it always.

If you want to know how to spend quality time as husband and wife, then this article will help you.

Remember all these will help your marriage a happy one.


The happy couple didn’t fall from heaven; they only have a lifestyle that made then unique.

You too can make your marriage better by changing your lifestyle. The points I listed here will always help you when you try them out.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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