Categories: Marriage

Guilt Tripping In Relationships: 15 Ways To Take Control Now

Guilt tripping in relationships is one of the worst emotional and psychological abuses you can face from your partner. If you are going through this emotional blackmail, then you are reading the best post now.

If you have ever had the feeling that someone else’s feelings are imprisoning you, this post is for you. And like you, you are always wrong, no matter what you do. 

Guilt-tripping is a serious, toxic pattern that has affected millions of marriages and people all over the world. According to the Natural Domestic Violence Hotline, as many as 75% of adults complained of being emotionally manipulated in their relationships.

A renowned relationship expert and author, Brene Brown, also said that “guilt is a cruel and debilitating emotion that makes us feel small, inadequate, and worthless.”

As we go further in this post, I will show you the insidious world of guilt tripping in relationships. I will reveal the signs to you, examples of guilt tripping in relationships, strategies, and how you can break free from the shackles and the suffocating grip.

So, whether you are the victim of guilt-tripping or you are the one dishing it out, you will get a practical tip and expert insights to break free and reclaim your emotional well-being.

If you are ready for this, then let’s get down to business now.

What Is Guilt Tripping In Relationships?

If you are in a relationship where your partner is constantly making you feel guilty for something you may or may not have done, you are in a guilt-tripping-infested relationship. They use the tactics to manipulate or control your emotions or behavior.

For example, if your partner continues to bring up your past mistakes or shortcomings in order to make you feel guilty.

Let’s say you forgot to call your partner on their birthday, Instead of expressing how disappointed they are, they will say, “I can’t believe you forgot my birthday. I guess am no more important to you.

That statement is just to make you feel guilty and obligated to make it up to them, instead of addressing the matter constructively.

Generally, guilt tripping in relationships can be emotionally draining and harmful, because it erodes trust and causes a power imbalance. It can also lead to passive aggressive behavior, resentment, and destruction of your relationship’s foundation of mutual understanding.

To maintain a strong and respectful relationship, you’ll need to resort to healthy communication and address those issues directly without using manipulative tactics.

Guilt tripping in Relationships Psychology:



Guilt tripping in relationships is a manipulative strategy used by one partner to influence and control the other by instilling feelings of shame, obligation, and guilt.

This psychological phenomenon involves manipulating the spouse’s love, empathy, and commitment in order to gain dominance and power in their relationship.

Guilt trippers sometimes use passive aggressive behaviors, including pouting, making accusatory statements, or sulking, to create a sense of duty and responsibility in their partners.

They may also use emotional blackmail, martyrdom, or self-pity to extract favors or concessions from the spouse. Their goal is to make their partners feel liable for the guilt tripper’s emotional well-being, just to create an imbalance in power and control.

Over time, the victims of guilt tripping may experience resentment and anxiety, and their self-esteem may be destroyed while their guilt tripping partner maintains a position of emotional dominance.

To maintain healthy and mutual respect in your relationship, it is important that you recognize this on time and then address it immediately.

Signs Of Guilt Tripping In Relationships:

Below are a few common signs of guilt tripping in relationships

1. They will emotionally blackmail you.

One of the signs of guilt tripping that is not hidden is emotional blackmail. Emotional blackmail is when they use threats of harm to others or self-harm to control you. They will use it to plant seeds of responsibility and guilt on you, just to keep you in an obligation and circle of fear.

This behavior is emotionally abusive, and it can have significant consequences for the two of you. It erodes trust and builds an unhealthy power imbalance in your relationship.

2. They Love To Use Guilt Inducing Statements About You:

Another emotionally manipulative tactic they use is making guilt-inducing statements. They use these statements to influence your behavior by making you feel responsible or guilty for certain situations. They also often exploit your sense of desire to please others in order to create a feeling of guilt and obligation.

Here are a few examples of words they use.

  • ” If you truly love me, you would do this or that.” This phrase shows that your love for them is being questioned because you are not fulfilling certain expectations.

That will put pressure on you to try to prove your love by doing what they demand from you, whether the demands are healthy for your relationship or not.

  • “I am just doing this because of you.” This second phrase is to shift all blame to you. It implies that any negative sacrifices or consequences they make are solely the outcome of your decision or actions. They will disregard your agency and place the weight of responsibility on you, so you can feel guilty for any negative results.

These statements can have damaging effects on your relationship, eroding trust and fostering resentment over time. It is important that you recognize and address these tactics on time so you can deal with them on time and maintain a healthy relationship.

3. They gaslight:

Gaslighting is another way your guilt tripping partner will want to manipulate you. They will use tactics like contradiction, denial, and lying to make you question your memories or perception.

If you do not check on time, you may begin to doubt your sanity, and this will make you incessantly dependent on them for approval and validation. Gaslighting has a long-term wound on the victim’s ability to trust again.

4. Consistent Criticism:

They also enjoy criticizing. Criticism can be emotionally draining. The guilt tripper will want to use their critique to create a sense of never being good.

When you feel constantly eyeballed, it can make you feel frustrated and unworthy. The important thing is that you address this pattern of behavior and let your partner know how this behavior affects you. Also, get your boundaries right and look for help when it is necessary.

5. They love to play the victim.

When you think you have known all the tactics of the guilt tripper, they will start playing to be the victim. This is what they do to manipulate your emotions in order to gain control or sympathy. 

This behavior can make you feel guilty and responsible for their joy and happiness, creating an unhealthy dynamic. It can also lead to codependency, which destroys trust and balance in relationships.

Guilt-tripping in a relationship is bad because it manipulates someone’s emotions in order to gain control and advantage instead of creating healthy communication and understanding.

It can also erode trust, lead to resentment, and cause a toxic dynamic where one person feels wronged or constantly indebted.

It also makes you and your partner not have good communication; instead, it breeds negativity and destroys the foundation of your relationship. The solution is to cultivate mutual respect and honesty to resolve conflicts and build strong and supportive bonds.

Effective communication involves knowing how to express your feelings without resorting to coercion, manipulation. This promotes relationships based on mutual understanding and trust.

How to Deal with a Guilt-Tripping Partner:

You have known the signs of guilt-tripping in relationships, the signs of guilt-tripping in relationships and whether guilt tripping is good or bad in a relationship.

Now, you are about to learn the most important ways you can deal with guilt tripping in relationships or with a guilty tripping partner. One of the necessary things you can do is have open communication with your partner.

That requires that you tell them how their behaviors is hurting you and destroying your relationship. Use “I” statements when expressing your concerns and emotions

Another step to take is to set healthy boundaries. This means that you should tell your partner what you can take or not take from them.

Here’s What To Do After.

After creating your boundaries, let them know everything and implore them to respect the boundaries. Encourage them to express their feelings openly too, without using guilt-tripping tactics.

Also, concentrate on understanding the underlying reasons they are behaving like that, and offer your support if they are dealing with unresolved issues or insecurities.

Seek couples therapy if need be to address the underlying causes of your challenges and learn to communicate effectively together. Remember to prioritize your emotional well-being and go to your friends and family, or a therapist for help if you feel overwhelmed.

Rounding Up:

As I round up this post, let me do a recap of what I said in this post. I said that guilt tripping in relationships is a toxic pattern that destroys trust, creates imbalance and causes resentment among partners.

Understanding the impact, recognizing the signs and implementing healthy communication strategies are crucial steps to breaking free from its clutches.

By setting your boundaries, fostering mutual respect, and seeking help when necessary, you can reclaim your self-esteem and make your relationship stronger and firmer.

Don’t forget to prioritize your emotional health above everything else. It is essential for building a successful relationship.

Remember, prioritizing emotional health is essential for building strong and supportive bonds.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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