Categories: Romance

5 smart steps to create your best marriage

If I ask you to do one thing this 2018 to create your best marriage, what would it be?

  •  Your attitude.
  •  The time you spend together as couple.
  • your finance
  • or the way you communicate with your spouse.

Obviously you saw it all last year, and you could tell how good or how poorly you worked to make your relationship successful.


Well, in this post, I will share 5 seemingly cheap but powerful steps of creating your Best Marriage in 2018.

If this is one things you want to achieve this year, then you’ve got to read this article to the last letter.

Like I said, it looks so simple, but it will work wonders in patching those holes in your marriage and restoring your relationship to those happy state again.


Imagine getting back to those times when you whole desire to hear his or her voice again and again over the telephone, you want to be with him/her every time.


Of course you can have it back if you want to, and I know you really want to, if not you won’t be reading this post.

Without wasting much time, here are few steps to achieve it.

                   5 seemingly simple Ways of creating your Best Marriage in 2018.


1) Be more committed:-

One good way to ascertain the level of weakness and strength of your relationship is to measure the amount of your personal commitment to it.


It’s all about what sacrifices you’ve got to give to make things work out.


Every marriage has it’s good and bad times, but to have a good and successful relationship, you have to look and evaluate your marriage to determine those area that requires a touch and then get down to work immediately.


Think about what you should do on the daily basis to make things work again. Be willing to go extra mile to make up the lost glory, be ready to say sorry after a fight, not because you are wrong, but because you want the relationship survive.


2) Be sincere and truthful :

My Wife told me outright that she doesn’t like lies or dishonesty as that is the only thing that can make angry.
Have I been faithful to that request? no, but I am striving to achieve that.


Being honest and sincere will help your marriage succeed: be sincere when there is a new achievement from your spouse, if he she does something for the marriage commend that with sincerity. Stop the lip service and be plain every time.


5 Powerful Steps To Create Your Best Marriage3)


Communicate effectively:-

Communication is to marriage what blood is human life. It the backbone of marital success.


Any marriage without good communication is on its way to divorce. And so if all you want is to create the type of marriage you want, then give a thought about the level of communication in your marriage and work to improve on it if need be.

Never wait until things unravel before you can do that, it may be too late.


However, don’t just talk because you want to keep conversation going, bad communication skills can  also destroy your relationship.


Think and adopt a good communication skill that will help your marriage and discard the ones that will harm your marriage.

I have written an article on how to increase our communication skills



4) Stop trying to change your partner:-

Last year you tried everything you could to change your spouse and you found out its didn’t out for you.
Here’s what you should know ” God gave you a partner and not a project to build.


You can never change him or her, you only need to change your mind, change the way you think see your partner.

Understand that it is not possible for your partner to do or be exactly the way you want every time you want it.


The right approach is to make up your mind to see the good side of him/ her. If you continue with your great expectations, you will always be disappointed.


best marriage


5) Invest more time:-

Marriage required daily nurturing to be successful and you can’t achieve the success you want, you have invest more time into your relationship.


Just like in every other thing in life, the more you devote time, the more it works out, so don’t be lazy about your relationship, invest positively on it.

Bonus Read

15 Minutes a day just to breathe life into your marriage




if you want to really want to create the type of marriage you ever wanted, then try and follow the steps I listed in this post. Although it will not automatically, you will definitely see it working gradually.




AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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