11 Amazing New Year’s Resolutions For Couples To Bond.

New year’s resolutions for couples are not that different from other resolutions, whether it is a resolution to lose weight, for your career, or for your entire household.

If you have never thought about making new year’s resolutions for marriages as couples, then this is the best time to do so.

You should have a plan from January 1 to the end of the year of how to organize your marriage so that every part of that ever part of it won’t fall short.

Making new year’s resolutions for couples is always a great way to reinforce your bond, and also create a good connection too.

What makes a relationship strong is the efforts the people involved put together to make things work out. That also means that the more effort they are ready to out, the more results they will have.

That’s why setting goals for your marriage is very important. If you are not sure where to start setting up your new year goal, I have you covered.

In this post, you will learn what new year’s resolutions for couples are and how to set one for your marriage this year.

Let’s get started.

11 Amazing New Year’s Resolutions For Couples To Bond.

1) Plan To Improve Your Communication:-

When you ask couples what they would want to improve in their marriage, they will say love, trust, spending time together, etc.

All those things are important no doubt, but the way you and your partner discuss your issues or talk about anything is what determines how successful your marriage will be.

You may be wondering how communication is that important to marriage and I will tell you.

Importance Of Good Communication In Marriage:-

The importance of good communication In marriage can never be overemphasized because good communication is the pivot that pulls every other part of every marriage.

According to marriage and relationship researchers, open communication between a husband and wife cornerstone of every successful and loving marriage, though many couples just don’t know how to communicate effectively.

Being able to always describe what your wife or husband means to you is what good communication means.

Also, trust, honesty, love, and every other important feature of a good marriage are worthless, until you find a way to express them through communication.

That’s why it is important to learn how to work on your communication to improve it.

2) Fine Good Time To Talk Honestly:-

One of the great new year’s resolutions for couples you should never forget is the plan to talk honestly in your marriage.

We all believe that honest communication with our spouse should be effortless, but that is not true.

The truth is that we fall into some bad habits after being in a relationship for a very long time.

Most times we automatically switch off when our spouse is talking to us about a certain subject, and other times we just give our replies without engaging in the topic.

Whatever issues you are having about your communication, this is the time to deal with it.

The first step to take is to learn how to give listening ears to each other during a conversation because that’s what will make you feel intimate.

You should not listen to your spouse because it is the right thing to do, or because research said it is important. Do that because.

  • When you do, you will learn what is more important to him or her.
  • It creates a deep connection.
  • They will always want to share their mind with you.
  • You won’t learn anything when you ignore them.

Being a good listener is one of the best things to do when you want your marriage to last and be stronger. 

One of the marriage researchers Cate Mackenzie said that “sharing can be hard, but it is worth doing. Therefore, if you are not sure how to be a good listener or communicator, then let that be included in the list of your new year’s resolutions for couples.

3) Quit Fighting Over Little Things:-

If you discover that you and your partner are always fighting over the tiniest things, then plan to deal with it now.

I didn’t say that fighting is bad in marriage or that fighting means that your marriage is failing. But when you see yourselves always fighting for the same matters, it’s a big problem.

Fighting always about those little things will kill your marriage instead of helping it,  so learn to always pick your battles.

Whenever you sense that things are getting out of hand, try calming yourself down and always ask if it’s worth fighting for.

4) Make Sex A Priority:-

In your new year’s resolutions list, I advise you to add revamping your sex life at the top of your to-do list, and you will be amazed at what will happen to your marriage.

It is true when you say that you don’t have time to have sex after a long time out at your workplace, a result of a survey conducted a while ago shows that 70% of couple blame time for their boring sex life.

but if you want to improve sex in your marriage, you must create that time.

Have you ever asked yourself how you were able to carve out time for that emergency, or for that new responsibility added to your life? You can create your time for sex that same way.

We all have the same time in life, the difference is that everyone knows how to adjust their time to suit them. So the secret to boosting your sex life this year is to prioritize it. Below is a checklist of what to do.

What to do to improve your sex life in marriage.
  1. Constantly have sex in your mind.
  2. Have time to talk about sex.
  3. Keep yourself away from masturbation and be sexually charged always.
  4. Reignite your feelings for each other.
  5. See a sex therapist.
  6. Have sex rituals

5 Find New Things To Do As Couples:-

As a couple, another yet important thing to add to your new year’s resolutions is how to add new things to your days, weeks, and months. Quit having a routine and be dynamic about your daily activities.

Research has shown that couples who try new things daily live longer than others. So if you want to join the list, then you have to start finding new things to add to your marriage. 

What you should do now is to create time to discuss with your partner what new to add to your marriage. There are thousands of them out there.

Copy from the list below if you are not sure where to start.

  • Have date nights/ romantic dates.
  • Go cycling.
  • Arts Appreciation.
  • Do voluntary jobs.
  • Go Mountain climbing.
  • Picnicking.
  • Read new books.
  • Enrol in dance lessons.


6) Spend Time With Each Other Everyday:

You have chosen each other to be part of your life forever and not just for some week, or months. That also means that you will live for each other.

In this new year, choose to make out time for your partner even if it is 15 minutes a day to talk, chat and take care of each other.

Don’t let your conversation be only about your work or health, talk about your likes and dislikes, and everything that will help to brighten your spouse’s day daily. 

This will bring the two of you closer and create a greater bond in your relationship.

7) Also Find Time For Yourself:-

Your new year’s resolutions for couples won’t be complete if you don’t add how to find time for yourself. Having time for yourself is what will keep you at your best for your family.

Your marriage will not be at its best if you only rely on your partner to keep you happy, or sad. 

Have enough time for yourself, and do the things that make you happy. Treat yourself as if you are the only one on the planner earth.

Visit the best 5-star hotels, and take a trip to another state or country. Just find happiness for yourself. Remember, your happiness and well-being matter in your relationship too.

Once you become active and refreshed about yourself, your relationship will also benefit from it.

8) Rediscover Your Partner’s Personality:-

Also, add to your new year’s resolutions for couples list the need to rediscover your partner’s personality, it will help your marriage greatly.

Remember those things that attracted you to your spouse in the beginning. Was it the laugh, the way he/she talks, walks, or sings? 

If you look back on the early years of the relationship, you will find that out. This new year is the best time to rediscover those personalities.

Finding them out once more will help you know where to concentrate on making your partner happier. Always have in mind that the success of your marriage depends on your partner’s happiness.

In Conclusion:-

Check out the new year’s resolutions for couples that I have described in this post. They are special ways you can reignite passion and build bonds in your marriage.

It may not be a quick fix, but it will work if you devote time to inculcate all I have shown you in this post. 


I am your in-house counselor, murphyaik.

See you at the top.








Aik: AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.