
How To Have Your First Christmas Together As Newlywed.

If you are getting married and you are looking to know how to celebrate your first Christmas together as a Newlywed couple, then this article is for you. Celebrating your first Christmas as Mr and Mrs can be one of the most romantic and memorable moments to celebrate in your life.

Yeh! This is the best time you can create exciting traditions, just like tending to a virgin piece of land. Most times, newlywed couples find their Christmas seasons booked up with family obligations like parties, special church programs, and other functions.

This can sniff all the time you may have to have your first Christmas together as newlyweds and leave little for you. However, in this guide, I will show you all you need to know to make that first Christmas enjoyable.

Let’s dive in.

How To Spend Your First Christmas Together As Newlywed Couples:

1. Remember The Real Meaning Of Christmas:

As you are running up and down getting ready for Christmas, I want you to take some moments to reflect on the true meaning of the season. Study and meditate on the story of the birth of Jesus Christ together.

Start with Mathew 1-2 and Luke 2. Consider the story of Joseph and Mary and relate it to your journey as a couple.
Also, reflect on the book of Isaiah chapter 9:6, so you will learn and appreciate the season:

“For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,”

2. Set Your Christmas Budget:

Another way to have a successful first Christmas together as co is to have a budget. Financial stress can kill your post-holiday spirit. You can avoid this by setting a budget and planning your Christmas expenses ahead of time.

Focus on not spending above your means, so you don’t fall into financial stress in January. Get only those necessary gifts and shun extravagant spending.

3. Watch Christmas Movies Together:

Watching Christmas Movies Together can be a great way to enjoy your first Christmas together as a Newlywed couple. It is Avery good way to bond with your partner. Consider going to a nearby Cinema or watching them together at home.

Below are a few movies you can watch.

• All I want for Christmas.
• Holiday Inn.
• I’ll be home for Christmas.
• The Muppet Christian Carol.
• Ernest Saves Christmas.
• Surviving Christmas.
• A Charlie Brown Christmas, etc.

4. Celebrate With Your Family:

Make sure that you use this wonderful Christmas season to celebrate the members of your family. It may be your opportunity to introduce your new spouse to your family’s Christmas tradition.

Make sure you feel involved and welcomed, by asking them to choose the gifts for your family. This little gesture will make your partner feel more appreciated and integrated.

Also, Celebrate With Your Spouse Family: Your spouse will be happier to learn that you included their family in your family’s Christmas celebration. Get thoughtful gifts, including wine and other nice presents for your in-laws.

Make a good impression by dressing well, giving hugs, and maintaining eye contact. Participate in their traditions, such as attending church services or family gatherings.

5. Exchange Special Gifts:

Exchanging gifts is a joy of Christmas and you can spend your first Christmas together as a spouse just by giving gifts to your partner. Choose a very special gift for your partner. Wrap the gift in a that will add some elements of surprises to them.

Include a piece of jewelry or a heartfelt card to make the gifts extra special. Give these gifts to her a warm smile and seize the moment together.

6. Ensure You Don’t Miss Your Couples Time:

As you plan to celebrate your first Christmas together as a couple, don’t neglect to create exclusive time for the two of you. Plan your calendar and mark the time for intimate moments together.

This will help to depend on your bond and create an atmosphere for cherished moments. Now that you are married, it will be good to create your tradition to fit both of you.

Starting your Christmas tradition as a newlywed couple is a great way of creating lasting memories and establishing some unique rituals.
Consider attending festivals, and local events and choosing some very good Christmas movies to watch annually.

You can also visit orphanages to spread love. Personalized tree ornaments and commemorate each year together, add sentimental value to your decorations.
These new traditions you just created will be cherished by both of you.

It will foster a deeper connection and a sense of continuity to your holiday celebration years ahead.

7. Decorate Your Home Together:

You can spend some time with your partner whether in the afternoon, or evening to decorate your home together. Get a Christmas tree and place it on one side of your sitting room. Hang string lights and ornaments.

You can also make some DIY decorations to add your personal touch. Doing this can be a fun and festival way to deepen your bond and create a pleasant holiday atmosphere this Christmas season in your home.

8. Prepare A Special Christmas Dinner With Your Spouse:

Cooking something special this season can make a perfect Christmas for both of you. Therefore, plan and cook some special dinner for this Christmas together.
Try something new, or Choose those recipes that both of you love and enjoy.

Making dinner together can be a great delight and a cozy way to share quality time. The meal will also be even special because it was made by the two of you.

9. Attend  A Christmas Show Or Concert:

Look for a local Christmas show, play, or concert and attend. Attend a live concert, as it can be a memorable magical experience for both of you.

This is a great way to get into the holiday atmosphere and enjoy some cultural entertainment with each other.

10. Create A Christmas Playlist:

Compile a playlist containing all your favorite Christmas songs. Play them while both of you are decorating, relaxing, or cooking your special lunch. The songs can set the mood and create a sense of joy and warmth in your home.

11. Take A Christmas Light Tour:

Spend time in the evening to walk or drive around to see Christmas lights in your vicinity.

Many city centers and neighborhoods will go all out with their Christmas decorations. Bring some nice drinks with you and enjoy the festive sight together. It may be to help out at a local charity event, serve meals at a shelter, or participate in a toy drive.

12. Plan A Christmas Gateway:

If you have enough time to enjoy your first Christmas together as a couple, then I will ask that plan a small gateway for just the two of you.

Whether it is a visit to a city with a festival holiday market or a trip to any snowy destination. Changing scenery can make your first Christmas together memorable and special.

13. Make A Christmas Scrapbook:

Create a Christmas scrapbook where you can document your first holiday together as a spouse. Begin it with a festive title page and cover. Arrange photos of decorating the Christmas tree, your special moments by the fire, and other nice snapshots.

You can include ticket stubs from the Christmas events like ice skating, Christmas markets, etc. Also, add little mementos like gift tags, handwritten notes about your memories, and poinsettias.

Combine color stickers, glittery, ribbons, and festive washi tape to beautify each page. This scrapbook will be a memorable treasure, that captures the love and magic of your first Christmas together. You will cherish it for years to come.

14. Design Personalized Christmas Card Together:

Spend some time in the evening to craft and design a personality Christmas card that you will send to your family and friends. This can be a fun and interesting creative activity where you can showcase your personality and deepen your bond as a couple.

You can include a picture of two of you, and write a heartfelt message. You can even add a personal touch with handsome decorations or designs. This fun activity will not only help you connect with your love but also create a card that captures the spirit of your first Christmas together as a partner.


As I round up this post, I want you to know that your first Christmas together as a newlywed couple is a good time to create lasting memories or create new traditions that show your unique journey together.

As you focus on the true meaning of the season, set your budget, celebrate with your family, enjoy the festive activities, etc, you can make the holiday truly interesting and memorable.

So, whether it is through preparing a special dinner, volunteering together, or preparing a special dinner, these moments will set the tone for many memorable Christmases and deepen your bond. Embrace the magic of the season, enjoy and cherish every moment of your first Christmas as Mr and Mrs.



AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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