
15 Hazardous Marital Issues That Will Vaporize Your Love

Every marriage has its own unique marital issues, there’s absolutely no relationship without one. Sometimes marriage becomes stronger after going through one issue or the other and sometimes there’s a disconnection, separation or divorce even when there’s a little issue.

Most times, it is not the problems that brought about the divorce , but inability of the couples to recognize the issues and handle it properly.

However, while some marital issues are not that big enough to cause divorce , some are too great that the couples involved may not see the reasons to overlook it and move on as couple.

In this post, I want share with you some of those marital issues that can cause separation or divorce, so you can avoid it completely in your marriage.

If you are ready to know, then let’s dive    

  7 Marita Issues That can Cause Divorce

1) Infidelity: – Cheating is one of the marital problems that could cause divorce in marriage.

Cheating can be described as having extramarital affair with someone that’s not your partner. Think about it when you realize that your partner is sleeping with another person, and you know you are faithful to him or her: you will feel betrayed, and from that moment your spirit will be down and hatred sets in.

People give so many reasons why they cheat, reasons like, emotional distance, poverty, lack of sex etc,

However, no matter what reason you give, none of them is cogent enough to make you cheat.

 Ruth Houston a cheating expert says that “Extramarital affair usually start like emotional affair which later becomes physical affair.”

Ask any cheater, and he will tell you that it started as a mere friendship.

My advice to you is to be careful how you relate with the opposite sex to avoid things that could bring separation in your relationship.

2) Lack of sex: – If you have not been having sex at all with your partner, or you are not having enough, then you may be welcoming trouble in your marriage.

Lack of sex, may cause one of the partners to seek satisfaction outside, and you know what that mean.

The remedy is to work on your libido so as to improve your sex life.

3) You are not prepared for marriage: – Marriage is coming together of two different people from sometimes different backgrounds or different ethnic groups.

Because of the differences, a lot of issues may arise and if you are not prepared for it, it could cause problems for you.

Before you decide to get married, you need to understand what it is actually all about at least know the basics.

4) Lack of communication: – Communication is vital in marriage and inability to communicate rightly can cause resentment and disconnect, and all these leads to separation.

However, good communication brings good relationship between husband and wife.

If you are used to shouting, yelling or even making nasty then you are causing great harm to your family.

To avoid it, you have to improve your communication skills and talk more with your partner on daily basis.

5) Unrealistic expectations: – This is another marriage killer. It’s all about requiring much more than your partner could offer.

Expecting your partner to be, go or do whatever you want can cause so much stress to them and too much pain for you, especially when they are not meeting up with your expectations.

6) Old habits: – Everyone has his or her own unique habit and also carry it into their relationship.

At the beginning of the relationship, most of the habit may be enveloped by love: as the time goes, these habit starts manifesting and your partner may accept some of them and some may be unbearable.

Be able to tell your partner what character you don’t like, maybe they can drop it so your relationship can move on.

7) Money matter: – Money is very essential in marriage and it’s also one of the main causes of problems in marriage.

Couple fights about money more than they fight about sex and other things. In fact it hinders marriage and can cause so much stress to couples.

In marriage, couples fight about lack of money, spending habits as well as too much money.

To avoid these troubled, you should mind how you spend, if possible, have a daily, weekly or monthly budget.

Finally, it’s important you understand that marriage is not all rosy. Even partners that has the best intentions sometimes find it hard to overcome their problems and therefore end up in courtrooms

. That’s the best reason you should address issues in your relationship on time.

Never wait until they are beyond fixing.

Learn to be kind, love your partner with all your heart and make intimacy a priority.

Visit marriage counselors (whether all is well or not) this will help you to preserve your relationship

Avoid anything that can bring rancor in your marriage.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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