How to ask a girl out without being rejected

It’s interesting when you meet a girl you cherish so much and she willingly gives you her number, but your greatest challenge is knowing how to ask a girl out.
Don’t worry, in this article, I will show you how to do that in so many ways.
– I will show you how to ask a girl out over a text.
– How to ask a girl out in person
– what to say to ask a girl out.
– And how to ask a girl out at the group
In the end, you will completely understand how to ask a girl out on a date.
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It’s normal when you feel nervous talking to a girl to go out with you; but you can do it, following these steps I will show you here.
How To Ask A Girl Out:
1) Gauge If She Likes You:
It’s imperative you know her interests for you. Passing glances at you, smiling, and talking with you is not a clear sign that she’ll want to go out with you.
If she didn’t do those things I mentioned above, it doesn’t mean she hates you either. Sometimes they may be too shy to do much too.
If you want to know her interest in you, you have to try touching her when you have a chance for that. A casual touch can do wonders and it can remove fear from your eyes too.
If you don’t know what will cause you to touch her, try cracking a joke and gradually touch her finger as you laugh. If she is relaxed at the touch, then look her straight in the eyes and ask her for a day out. She will not decline it.
Check her Enthusiasm:
You can tell if a woman likes you by her level of enthusiasm. You can see her sense of enthusiasm from how relaxed she is when you are with her.
2) Choose the Right Place And Time To Ask Her Out:
You have found out that she likes you and you are ready to ask her out. I suggest you look for the best place and time to do that.
Asking a girl out when she is having something bothering her at that moment will not work out.
Again, when she is in the midst of her friends when she is hanging out with them, it may not be a good place either.
If she is the shy type, she will not be comfortable to give you a good answer in certain places, especially when she feels people will tease her.
If she seems bothered about anything, then forget asking her out as well. “It is never a good idea to ask a woman out in places where they don’t expect to be approached.”

3) Know What You Want ( Don’t send wrong signals):
Before you make your first move, you’ve got to figure out what you want first.
Are you looking for someone to settle down with or just a friend?
Don’t approach a girl if you are not sure what you want.
Knowing your intentions gives you the boldness you need.
Be sure of what you need. If all you need is a casual relationship, it wouldn’t be a problem, but if you want something serious, you need to add pressure to your skills and also try pushing the right way so you can get a worthwhile answer.
4) Practice And Memorize What To Say:
Benjamin Franklin says that ” If you fail to plan, then you have planned to fail.” No matter how smart you are, there is a need to plan how to go about it.
Plan what to wear and what to say. Planning will help you to avoid her form misunderstanding you.
Your best date should be the kind where can you talk properly and exchange details about yourselves and have fun too.
That’s why you should plan pretty well on how you should talk so she feels at home to tell you the best time and the best place to go in other to avoid distractions.
Planning will make you feel comfortable when asking her out. Even though you should not repeat your script word for word, but you know what to say, because you planned it.
5) Be Confident Of Yourself:
If you choose to approach a girl for an outing, you’ve got to be confident in yourself first.
Most men fail or get a rejection because they guaranteed that.
Looking at them, you will know how confident they are. You have to be composed and put off fear. The worst that could happen is to get a rejection. But you won’t get that when the girl didn’t see fears in your eyes.
Be bold, chest out, heads-up, don’t look on the ground, shoulders up, and look her straight in the eyes as you talk.
She will be intimidated by your courage. However, when she sees fear in you, she may want to pose a little tougher, and then you feel rejected and quit.

6) Are You Compatible with Her?
Check if you have common interests with the girl. Are of the same age? Be sure she is someone you’ll always want to spend time with because that will guarantee your happiness with her.
7) Give Her Reasons To Say Yes:
Every girl wants to go out with someone thy fee) relaxed and secured with. You will need to make her believe you will give her a nice time when she goes out with you.
Here’s How
How did you ask?
This is very important when you are asking her out face to face. For example, If I just come to you and ask ” would you go to a restaurant with me? That sounds weird and you will never say yes even if you want to.
But if I ask you ” would you want to have an amazing lunch with me today?” She will likely accept.
Don’t just ask her out; warm her up first. The same way you blow you hot coffee cold before sipping or have foreplay before sex, supercharger her to say yes,
If she is not tuned to what you want to say, you will likely get a no. So start with little pleasantries to wet the atmosphere, and then ask.
How to ask a girl out over a text:
If you are not seeing her face to face, then the alternative is to ask her over a text and you should be careful when doing that.
May I tell you that asking over a text is not that simple too. It’s a bit more complicated than you think, but I will guide you through that also.
It’s however much easier to ask over a text that in person if you a nervous when it comes to talking to a girl.
– Give complements:
This is one of the huge parts of texting a girl; first know-how to complement her in a more polite way and the best way to do it is to stay confident, interesting, and funny.
Be playfully light. Just get her smiling and laughing all the way. Remind her of some interesting moments during your first date. The secret is to try things that will soften her mood before asking her for a date.
– Ask her about the things she enjoys.
– Check her texting styles, if she uses acronyms, consider using it too.
– Just make her smile, you can send her funny texts too.
It’s improper to just send her to go out with you immediately, make the ground soft first before asking.
– Send her sweet things:
If you want to start a relationship with her, then tell her sweet things. Start building a friendly relationship with her.
Don’t ask immediately but send casual text messages for at least 3- 5 times.
Send morning greeting, afternoon, and evening greetings to her.
If she told you about anything that matters to her, then send texts asking about it.
Don’t rush the invitation, things will gradually fall in place for you.

How To Ask A Girl Out From Group.
First, you shouldn’t approach this with fear, or else you will fail. Don’t approach directly, pretend as if you are not confronting anyone in particular.
Try winning over the friends before hitting your target.
Ask general questions, so everyone can give her opinion. Be part of her group first and gradually look for loopholes ( gradual opening).
Start A Side Conversation:
Now you are part of the group, you can gradually transition into relating with your chief target, use eye contact to communicate your feelings. Make comments without letting other people hear. Make your conversation interesting to distract her from her friends in the group.
The group may gradually leave the two of you, but if they didn’t, and you feel things are not working your way, disengage yourself and focus on using eye contact. If she likes you she will show you through her eye contacts too.
Just wait for the meet her alone next time.
In conclusion :
I wish I was able to show you how to ask a girl out in this post.
You really have to summon the courage and ask. No one will jail you for asking her out, you can only get a no.
If you choose to ask her out over a text or from a group, just do it, don’t procrastinate. It is either you get the date you want or not. However, always be ready to let go if things didn’t work out.
You can always get another girl that more beautiful, interesting, and lovable.
Question is:
Which of these steps would you try first? Share with us in the comment section.
See you at the Top.
I am still your friend murphyaik.
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Re: point 1 (above), since there is no chance whatsoever that any woman could “like” me, it would be pointless checking if a woman does – no matter how attracted I am to her. There is no evidence to support a contrary perspective – as a fundamentally unattractive man, this is reality.
I’ve never approached a woman in my life no matter how attracted I am to her – it’s a given that she will not be attracted to me. There is no point in approaching – I’ve observed guys who are successful with women and there is no way I can do what they do – so there is no point in trying.
Try it first
Approaching / touching (as you suggest) is a good way for me to be accused of harassment. Unless a woman gives me an unambiguously clear sign that she wants me to physically touch her there’s no way I’m going there. As a fundamentally unattractive man, I have zero chance with any woman. So it’s not worth trying.