Categories: Weddings

Wedding Night: 10 Ways To Enjoy The Night Now.

The wedding is over, and all the anxieties of planning to have a successful wedding are over. Thankfully, everything went so fine: and now it’s time to have a sexy wedding night as a married couple, but you have no idea how or what the night will be.

If you are among those that sent a mail to me requesting to know about what happens on the wedding night, what to do on your wedding night and how you should enjoy your wedding night with your spouse, then this is for you.

Because In this post, I will reveal to you some proper steps to make your wedding night an extraordinary one.

If you are ready, then let’s get started.

What Is Meant By Wedding Night?

Wedding night simply means the night after your wedding. Couples are so skeptical about this night, more especially those who haven’t had sex for the first time as a couple.

To this set of people, the wedding night is supposed to be a memory to remember always. However, no matter how memorable that night will be, they may still have some questions that need answers.

Nowadays, it looks like there is more pressure to make our date night a wow to other people, probably, because these days many people have lived many years before getting married.

I am here to show you a few things you can do to make your wedding night memorable.

Check them out below.

How To Have Great Wedding Night As Couples.

1) Take Things Slowly:- 

“Your wedding night won’t be the best sex you’ll ever have, and that’s awesome because you have a lifetime to get there!”

The real truth about this wedding night is that you may not be too strong to carry on after the stress of the wedding.

However, if you are too crazy about what you should do on this wedding night, then I advise you to take things slowly and let everything unfold by itself.

This is not the only night you will spend as a partner, you still have ample of the night to share.

Spend more time enjoying and learning about each other, but be free to let whatever will be to be.

If the atmosphere becomes supercharged for sex, then dig it up. It’s your first night after all. If not, let that be: there are other days.

2) You may be expecting too much:

It’s your first night together and that’s pretty good,  however, you should not expect heaven to come down that night. Do whatever you can naturally do, and leave the others to happen on their own.

You could get worn out because you are thinking of enticing your partner.

Well, if there is anything else that will add color to the day, then do so, but not because it is your first night, you still have the strength after the wedding to do so.

3) Set The Atmosphere Right From The Wedding Hall:-

You may be busy at the wedding venue appreciating your invitees but also use the opportunity to set the ground for a sexy wedding night.

Find ways to touch each other, caress, kiss, and gaze at each other’s eyes.

Doing these will send romantic messages to your spouse that you can’t wait to get into the action as you wait for the wedding night to come.

4) Change Into Something Sexier:-

Immediately after the wedding, refresh yourself and change into your wedding “night lingerie”, or something different from what you’ve been wearing.

Just look for something that will help put your spouse in the mood.

Yes, you can market your products. S3x can be marketed. If you can package yourself properly, your partner can be aroused for great sexual action.

5) Be Open-Minded: Be ready to say what you want:-

“A healthy physical relationship is more than two body parts coming together. It is oneness and unity that goes beyond the bedroom.”

The hour will FInally come and you’ll be alone in the room with your partner. It is just the both of you.

There’s no room for shyness. Just be open-minded and tell your partner what you want for your first night after the wedding.

How do you want to be touched? Where are your hotspots? You may find this difficult to do, but you have to, otherwise, your partner will not know how you want what you want.

And also be ready to take whatever your spouse is bringing to the table. Sex is give and takes. So be open-minded.

“Communication is truly the key to bedroom bliss.”

6) Remain Attractive And Beautiful.

So many couples have lost their attractiveness to each other simply because one of them has forgotten how to be attractive.

To avoid this, keep nurturing and make sure to keep yourself clean always. Take care of your skin, and body, and keep every part of your body alive always.

Be attractive and sweet always so your spouse will desire you always and want to come to you alone.

Also dress properly and neat, because the greater part of being attractive is in the way you dress.

7) Be Ready To Try New Things.

I know that you’ve been preparing yourself for this night. You have read books, listen to audio and you have attended seminars on how to thrill your partner with sex, that’s alright.

Your Wedding Night is the practical night.

Try all that you have learned so far, one of your moves can get your spouse yawning for more the rest of the time. You know what that means don’t you?

8) Cover The Room With Good Fragrance.

There’s so much a nice-smelling environment can do to your romance. A sweet-smelling fragrance they say is “carried to the brain’s emotional center, and they help to stimulate emotions, memories, and mood”.

A good scent can help stimulate sexual urges. So fill the room with a nice scent, and good flowers, and let the passion run wild.

9) Set The  Atmosphere With Good Music

Nice music can also do some wonders for your spouse’s sexual mood. So load some nice music in your music app and make sure they are your spouse’s favorite tunes and then let it flow as you lie on the bed with your love.

If possible stand and show your sexiest dance steps. The atmosphere will change to suit you.

10) Enjoy Your Time Together:-

“The same way you took the time to get to know one another when dating is the same way you’ll take time to know each other in bed. Stay curious!”

If you make love during your wedding night, that’s okay, and if not there is no problem with that.

Just try to enjoy your time together as a spouse. Have time to know yourselves, and ask each other questions. Have time to cuddle, fumble, and romance each other. It’s your night anyway.

11) Don’t Forget Your Dinner:-

Remember to plan your dinner after the wedding. You may likely be carried away by how to have the best wedding night and forget that you have nothing to eat after the wedding.

Therefore, plan and get yourselves food or snacks ahead of time, especially when you know it will be late getting them after your wedding.

You can as well forget the food when you know that you will feel better enjoying each other company.


If you want to have a sexy wedding night, then you should get yourself prepared before night.

You can ask your friends about the idea, read books and watch the video.

Remember it comes once in a lifetime, so think of how to enjoy it better. And don’t try holding back to what your heart tells you.

Enjoy your wedding night.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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