If I show you some wedding grants, that will help you get the best wedding today, would you invite me to your wedding? If you answered yes, then keep reading this post.
One of the things that have kept many people from having their wedding on time, or at all is the cost that is involved. According to smart money, the average wedding costs about 21- 24 thousand dollars, and it can be more in some cases.
Most of the things that determine what you will spend on your wedding are-
All this stuff makes the cost of a wedding feel intimidating to you. Thankfully there are some wedding grants available for you. You only have to know where they are, and how to get them for use. That’s what I want to share with you here in this post.
Wedding Grants are funds from either nonprofit organization or, companies to people who needs it to carry on with their wedding. There are different types of grants, and they are everywhere. If you have scheduled your wedding, you must be happy to learn that wedding grants are among the different grants.
Some grants come from the government, such grants are mostly for businesses and research and development, and few of them give grants for weddings, or to individuals. Governments can also give financial relief to people in form of security.
However, most wedding grants come from nonprofit organizations to help people who are getting married under some circumstances like those that have terminal diseases or disabilities.
For my friends who are having challenging situations, be ready to get these wedding grants now. And if you are not in that category, continue ready to see how you can freely fund your wedding.
Here is how.
As I earlier said, may government doesn’t give wedding grants, but they give other grants like business support grants. However, most governments provide Support to their citizens who are not financially buoyant. Meanwhile, while getting government grants is somehow hard to get, it can be possible for you to get grants from some organizations that work in collaboration with the government.
Below is how you can get government grants for wedding.
TAFNF is run by the federal government and it is all about helping those in need of emergencies. There are avenues for wedding grants attached to this program, to enable the needy couples carry-on out their wedding plans. Temporary Assistance For Needy Families has a goal, which is to help people who want to get married.
To qualify for this grant, you must already have children or be responsible for a child. You must also be a US citizen, and be able to prove that you are underemployed, have a low income, and are not able to feed your children or the entire family. If this thing is in place, then you are eligible for this grant.
This is a branch of government that works to ensure good financial security for poor families. OFA assist needy families to secure long-term achievements, which in turn helps them to provide for their families and the children especially.
They also make government grants available to couples who want to Wed. The wedding grants they provide help to build a responsible marriage, parenthood as well as “wholesome relations.” It also encourages couples to be self-sufficient, even as they provide for their children’s wellbeing.
This is a one-stop place you can get wedding grants if you are medical illness has impeded your wedding plans, but there are criteria for getting these grants.
Below are few of them-
To register, click here.
After registration and submitting your application, your application will take at least six weeks to be reviewed and if you are approved, then your requests will be sent a chapter closer to you. The local chapter will also approve your request and then get back to you to begin your wedding planning.
Upon approval also you’ll be directed to local wedding providers and planners who partner with the organization to help you plan your wedding. In the end, you will be provided with almost every item and service you may need for your wedding as well as your vow renewal.
Another way to get something that looks like wedding grants is to get involved in wedding contests. Although wedding grants and contests are not the same, you can still get something from the contest that will make your wedding a little bit easy.
The little difference Between wedding grants and the contest is that you only get a little part of what you needed for your wedding- like wedding gowns, and honeymoon trip tickets. The best part of it is that you can easily find these contests around you.
For example, travel agents, outfit companies, and wedding planners, most times offer wedding contests. You can also see advertisements on the media about wedding contests and their winner’s prices. On 18, Sept 2010, Oprah Winfrey gifts 50 Wedding gowns to some of her viewers.
Be on the lookout for these contests, you can win them too.
Getting sponsors for your wedding is also similar to wedding grants because you can also get some wedding services and items for free. The only price you pay is that you must have a way to advertise the sponsor’s services free to your wedding guests. For example, the sponsor may ask you to include their logo on your invitation card or you share their brochure with your guests. That is good, isn’t it?
However, you may find it hard to find people to sponsor your wedding, but if you ask or make a good sales pitch, you might be lucky to find this great wedding sponsorship.
Frankly speaking, you can wait for ages to get either wedding grants or sponsors, so I will advise you to try saving money by yourself.
It will not cost you anything to save, only to change your lifestyle. For example, you can cut down on certain expenses, especially cutting down on things you don’t need.
You can hire a consultant or conduct searches online to learn some savings tricks. You will be surprised how much you’ll be able to save before your wedding. It will only take you a little time, but if you start your savings game on time, you’ll achieve your goals.
I know you have heard about grants from churches, if you haven’t, may I tell you now that churches do know and try to help the poor and needy to save most of their problems.
You can be the lucky one to get these funds if you play your cards well. Ask your local church pastor for such funds and you will be surprised what will happen.
But note that they may have conditions for providing such funds to you free for your wedding. Though their condition may not be too tedious, always prepare yourself to either be a full member or just volunteer for some church services. You can discuss this with the church officials and be sure.
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