
15 Proven Steps To Building A Christian Marriage Faster.

Marriage is sweet when is built and sustained in a Christian way. It is said in the book of John 16 v 33 “ I have told you these things that in me you may have peace, in the world you will have troubles.

In this article, I will show you some ways of building a Christian marriage that will last.


The verse of the scripture we read above simply shows that any marriage that is not connected to Christ would surely not stand the taste of time. And so it is better to build on Christ than the world.


If that is what you want to know, then let’s do so.


17 Important Steps To Building A Christian Marriage.


1) Start your marriage with God and in God.


One of the ways of building a Christian marriage is to start planning your marriage with God.

If you are still searching, then the best thing you must try to do is to commit every step of your way to God. Let him have the pre-eminence of everything.


Proverbs 3 v 5 says” Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your part.


If you are already married, it is not yet too late for you. You can still ask God to take over from where you are now. Remember it cannot be done by your power or might, but by His Spirit.


2) Pray Together Always As A Family.

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


11) Talk About Your Challenges: 

Taking the time to discuss challenges, actively listening to your partner, and collaboratively creating plans for resolution can strengthen the bond between individuals.

It fosters understanding and helps create a more harmonious and supportive environment, promoting a healthy relationship.

It’s advisable to address issues before bedtime to avoid carrying unresolved conflicts into the next day.


12) Never bring a third party into Your Marriage.


There will always be problems in your marriage. They are inevitable, but how you settle it is what matters. Remember you must not invite an outsider, not your mother, sister, or even friends. It is a family issue and must be settled by the two of you.


13) Be contemptuous of what you have at That Moment


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


9) Forgive Your Spouse Every Time: 

Forgiving your spouse is part of being human. We all make mistakes, and it’s important to remember that forgiveness is a powerful act.

When your spouse does something wrong, try to understand their perspective and find it in your heart to forgive. Holding onto grudges can create tension in a relationship.

Choose understanding over resentment, and let love guide your actions. It may not always be easy, but forgiveness allows for growth and strengthens the bond between partners. 

10) Do Not Deny Each Other Sex: 


It’s important to talk to each other and agree when it comes to being intimate. This helps build trust and a good connection in your relationship.

Also, sharing your feelings and being close emotionally can make your relationship even better.


11) Talk About Your Challenges: 

Taking the time to discuss challenges, actively listening to your partner, and collaboratively creating plans for resolution can strengthen the bond between individuals.

It fosters understanding and helps create a more harmonious and supportive environment, promoting a healthy relationship.

It’s advisable to address issues before bedtime to avoid carrying unresolved conflicts into the next day.


12) Never bring a third party into Your Marriage.


There will always be problems in your marriage. They are inevitable, but how you settle it is what matters. Remember you must not invite an outsider, not your mother, sister, or even friends. It is a family issue and must be settled by the two of you.


13) Be contemptuous of what you have at That Moment


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


7) Trust.

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, requiring continuous effort and communication. While it’s ideal to trust your spouse unequivocally, it’s equally important to acknowledge challenges.

If trust appears compromised, open and honest dialogue becomes paramount. Transparency and understanding create a resilient foundation.

Nurture a climate where both partners feel safe expressing concerns. Trust isn’t stagnant; it evolves through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Upholding trust involves active participation in each other’s lives, fostering an environment where doubts are addressed constructively, and reinforcing the belief that trust can withstand trials, ultimately deepening the bond.


8) Share Quality Times


Ensure that during these shared moments, you engage in meaningful conversations, creating lasting memories that contribute to the depth of your connection.

Explore common interests, laugh together, and savor the simple joys of companionship, fostering a bond that withstands the test of time.


9) Forgive Your Spouse Every Time: 

Forgiving your spouse is part of being human. We all make mistakes, and it’s important to remember that forgiveness is a powerful act.

When your spouse does something wrong, try to understand their perspective and find it in your heart to forgive. Holding onto grudges can create tension in a relationship.

Choose understanding over resentment, and let love guide your actions. It may not always be easy, but forgiveness allows for growth and strengthens the bond between partners. 

10) Do Not Deny Each Other Sex: 


It’s important to talk to each other and agree when it comes to being intimate. This helps build trust and a good connection in your relationship.

Also, sharing your feelings and being close emotionally can make your relationship even better.


11) Talk About Your Challenges: 

Taking the time to discuss challenges, actively listening to your partner, and collaboratively creating plans for resolution can strengthen the bond between individuals.

It fosters understanding and helps create a more harmonious and supportive environment, promoting a healthy relationship.

It’s advisable to address issues before bedtime to avoid carrying unresolved conflicts into the next day.


12) Never bring a third party into Your Marriage.


There will always be problems in your marriage. They are inevitable, but how you settle it is what matters. Remember you must not invite an outsider, not your mother, sister, or even friends. It is a family issue and must be settled by the two of you.


13) Be contemptuous of what you have at That Moment


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.

This is not a negotiation; it is a command from God. If you are interested in building a Christian marriage, then you must understand this Bible verse well. 

God would have said wives try and submit to their husbands, but He gave a command because that will be the only secret to a happy marriage.

Men you have a very big task here. You must love your wives. Your love is for her alone. It is not meant for another person. If your marriage must be bulletproof, then this command must be kept to the last.


6) Be Faithful to Your Spouse.


Commitment to your spouse is crucial, and it is another important step in building a Christian marriage. Endeavor earnestly to remain faithful, as challenges may arise, tempting you to stray.

Refuse compromises, ensuring there’s no space for suspicions. Uphold your relationship with unwavering loyalty, understanding that temptations may test your dedication.

By consistently choosing faithfulness, you strengthen the bond with your partner. In the face of trials, prioritize your commitment, fostering trust and security in your relationship.

Remember, the effort you invest in remaining true builds a foundation of lasting love and mutual respect. Stay devoted, and let your actions speak louder than any fleeting temptation.


7) Trust.

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, requiring continuous effort and communication. While it’s ideal to trust your spouse unequivocally, it’s equally important to acknowledge challenges.

If trust appears compromised, open and honest dialogue becomes paramount. Transparency and understanding create a resilient foundation.

Nurture a climate where both partners feel safe expressing concerns. Trust isn’t stagnant; it evolves through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Upholding trust involves active participation in each other’s lives, fostering an environment where doubts are addressed constructively, and reinforcing the belief that trust can withstand trials, ultimately deepening the bond.


8) Share Quality Times


Ensure that during these shared moments, you engage in meaningful conversations, creating lasting memories that contribute to the depth of your connection.

Explore common interests, laugh together, and savor the simple joys of companionship, fostering a bond that withstands the test of time.


9) Forgive Your Spouse Every Time: 

Forgiving your spouse is part of being human. We all make mistakes, and it’s important to remember that forgiveness is a powerful act.

When your spouse does something wrong, try to understand their perspective and find it in your heart to forgive. Holding onto grudges can create tension in a relationship.

Choose understanding over resentment, and let love guide your actions. It may not always be easy, but forgiveness allows for growth and strengthens the bond between partners. 

10) Do Not Deny Each Other Sex: 


It’s important to talk to each other and agree when it comes to being intimate. This helps build trust and a good connection in your relationship.

Also, sharing your feelings and being close emotionally can make your relationship even better.


11) Talk About Your Challenges: 

Taking the time to discuss challenges, actively listening to your partner, and collaboratively creating plans for resolution can strengthen the bond between individuals.

It fosters understanding and helps create a more harmonious and supportive environment, promoting a healthy relationship.

It’s advisable to address issues before bedtime to avoid carrying unresolved conflicts into the next day.


12) Never bring a third party into Your Marriage.


There will always be problems in your marriage. They are inevitable, but how you settle it is what matters. Remember you must not invite an outsider, not your mother, sister, or even friends. It is a family issue and must be settled by the two of you.


13) Be contemptuous of what you have at That Moment


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


This is not a negotiation; it is a command from God. If you are interested in building a Christian marriage, then you must understand this Bible verse well. 

God would have said wives try and submit to their husbands, but He gave a command because that will be the only secret to a happy marriage.

Men you have a very big task here. You must love your wives. Your love is for her alone. It is not meant for another person. If your marriage must be bulletproof, then this command must be kept to the last.


6) Be Faithful to Your Spouse.


Commitment to your spouse is crucial, and it is another important step in building a Christian marriage. Endeavor earnestly to remain faithful, as challenges may arise, tempting you to stray.

Refuse compromises, ensuring there’s no space for suspicions. Uphold your relationship with unwavering loyalty, understanding that temptations may test your dedication.

By consistently choosing faithfulness, you strengthen the bond with your partner. In the face of trials, prioritize your commitment, fostering trust and security in your relationship.

Remember, the effort you invest in remaining true builds a foundation of lasting love and mutual respect. Stay devoted, and let your actions speak louder than any fleeting temptation.


7) Trust.

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, requiring continuous effort and communication. While it’s ideal to trust your spouse unequivocally, it’s equally important to acknowledge challenges.

If trust appears compromised, open and honest dialogue becomes paramount. Transparency and understanding create a resilient foundation.

Nurture a climate where both partners feel safe expressing concerns. Trust isn’t stagnant; it evolves through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Upholding trust involves active participation in each other’s lives, fostering an environment where doubts are addressed constructively, and reinforcing the belief that trust can withstand trials, ultimately deepening the bond.


8) Share Quality Times


Ensure that during these shared moments, you engage in meaningful conversations, creating lasting memories that contribute to the depth of your connection.

Explore common interests, laugh together, and savor the simple joys of companionship, fostering a bond that withstands the test of time.


9) Forgive Your Spouse Every Time: 

Forgiving your spouse is part of being human. We all make mistakes, and it’s important to remember that forgiveness is a powerful act.

When your spouse does something wrong, try to understand their perspective and find it in your heart to forgive. Holding onto grudges can create tension in a relationship.

Choose understanding over resentment, and let love guide your actions. It may not always be easy, but forgiveness allows for growth and strengthens the bond between partners. 

10) Do Not Deny Each Other Sex: 


It’s important to talk to each other and agree when it comes to being intimate. This helps build trust and a good connection in your relationship.

Also, sharing your feelings and being close emotionally can make your relationship even better.


11) Talk About Your Challenges: 

Taking the time to discuss challenges, actively listening to your partner, and collaboratively creating plans for resolution can strengthen the bond between individuals.

It fosters understanding and helps create a more harmonious and supportive environment, promoting a healthy relationship.

It’s advisable to address issues before bedtime to avoid carrying unresolved conflicts into the next day.


12) Never bring a third party into Your Marriage.


There will always be problems in your marriage. They are inevitable, but how you settle it is what matters. Remember you must not invite an outsider, not your mother, sister, or even friends. It is a family issue and must be settled by the two of you.


13) Be contemptuous of what you have at That Moment


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


Another important way of building a Christian marriage is by praying about it. This is the most important thing to do.

You must pray for your family and with your family. The Bible says ‘pray without season”. Do not let your prayer be only when there is trouble.

Always have your family devotion. Commit all to Him and things will move smoothly.


3) It Depends Only On God’s Plan for Your Marriage.


Be sure to search the scriptures, every day to know the plans of God for your marriage.

It can only work for you if the Lord has said it. Jeremiah 29 v 11 said “For I know the thought that I think towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil. That is the reason why you must give it up for Him alone.


4) Say Only Those Things You Want For Your Marriage And Do Not Say The Opposite/ Negative.


Building a Christian marriage also happens when you know what to say at every point in time. That’s why you should be careful before saying anything whether good or bad. 

Always be careful to say those things that are consistent with the word of God as regards your marriage.

Remember what you say is what you get. The Bible said in Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life (are} in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”.


Always be careful so you do not jeopardize your marriage with the ill words that may come from your mouth.


5) Wife Submit to Your Husband and Husband Love Your Wife.


This is not a negotiation; it is a command from God. If you are interested in building a Christian marriage, then you must understand this Bible verse well. 

God would have said wives try and submit to their husbands, but He gave a command because that will be the only secret to a happy marriage.

Men you have a very big task here. You must love your wives. Your love is for her alone. It is not meant for another person. If your marriage must be bulletproof, then this command must be kept to the last.


6) Be Faithful to Your Spouse.


Commitment to your spouse is crucial, and it is another important step in building a Christian marriage. Endeavor earnestly to remain faithful, as challenges may arise, tempting you to stray.

Refuse compromises, ensuring there’s no space for suspicions. Uphold your relationship with unwavering loyalty, understanding that temptations may test your dedication.

By consistently choosing faithfulness, you strengthen the bond with your partner. In the face of trials, prioritize your commitment, fostering trust and security in your relationship.

Remember, the effort you invest in remaining true builds a foundation of lasting love and mutual respect. Stay devoted, and let your actions speak louder than any fleeting temptation.


7) Trust.

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, requiring continuous effort and communication. While it’s ideal to trust your spouse unequivocally, it’s equally important to acknowledge challenges.

If trust appears compromised, open and honest dialogue becomes paramount. Transparency and understanding create a resilient foundation.

Nurture a climate where both partners feel safe expressing concerns. Trust isn’t stagnant; it evolves through shared experiences and mutual respect.

Upholding trust involves active participation in each other’s lives, fostering an environment where doubts are addressed constructively, and reinforcing the belief that trust can withstand trials, ultimately deepening the bond.


8) Share Quality Times


Ensure that during these shared moments, you engage in meaningful conversations, creating lasting memories that contribute to the depth of your connection.

Explore common interests, laugh together, and savor the simple joys of companionship, fostering a bond that withstands the test of time.


9) Forgive Your Spouse Every Time: 

Forgiving your spouse is part of being human. We all make mistakes, and it’s important to remember that forgiveness is a powerful act.

When your spouse does something wrong, try to understand their perspective and find it in your heart to forgive. Holding onto grudges can create tension in a relationship.

Choose understanding over resentment, and let love guide your actions. It may not always be easy, but forgiveness allows for growth and strengthens the bond between partners. 

10) Do Not Deny Each Other Sex: 


It’s important to talk to each other and agree when it comes to being intimate. This helps build trust and a good connection in your relationship.

Also, sharing your feelings and being close emotionally can make your relationship even better.


11) Talk About Your Challenges: 

Taking the time to discuss challenges, actively listening to your partner, and collaboratively creating plans for resolution can strengthen the bond between individuals.

It fosters understanding and helps create a more harmonious and supportive environment, promoting a healthy relationship.

It’s advisable to address issues before bedtime to avoid carrying unresolved conflicts into the next day.


12) Never bring a third party into Your Marriage.


There will always be problems in your marriage. They are inevitable, but how you settle it is what matters. Remember you must not invite an outsider, not your mother, sister, or even friends. It is a family issue and must be settled by the two of you.


13) Be contemptuous of what you have at That Moment


Always be satisfied with whatever stage you are in your marriage. Hebrews 13:5 “ Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such thing as you have.

Never look at what other people are doing in their marriage and think of introducing it to your own. It will only bring problems for you and your spouse

Remember you are trying to build a Christian marriage.


14) Have Open Conversation

Effective communication plays a crucial role in a successful marriage. Without it, misunderstandings may arise, leading to arguments, broken trust, and even infidelity, ultimately paving the way for divorce.

Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and concerns create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Regularly sharing thoughts and actively listening to your partner fosters a deep connection, helping to resolve issues before they escalate.

In essence, open communication acts as the glue that holds a marriage together, promoting understanding and fortifying the bond between spouses.


15) Be thankful All The Time.

Expressing gratitude fosters a positive connection in relationships. Acknowledging even the smallest gestures from your spouse creates a culture of appreciation.

It cultivates a sense of mutual respect and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

By consistently showing thankfulness, you create a supportive atmosphere, encouraging your spouse to continue thoughtful actions.

This reciprocity builds a foundation of love and understanding, reinforcing the idea that both partners contribute to the well-being of the relationship.

Gratitude becomes a cornerstone, enhancing the overall happiness and satisfaction within the partnership.


16) Practice Humility And Selflessness: 

Choose to practice selflessness and humility in your marriage as thought to us by Jesus Christ.

  Let these virtues flourish in your relationship,  it will guide you to prioritize your spouse’s needs with unwavering devotion and genuine compassion.

By practicing these qualities,  you will create a better foundation of love that surpasses self-interest.

That will also foster a harmonious and enduring connection that mirrors the timeless wisdom demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

17. Foster Individual Spiritual Growth:

Encourage and support each other’s relationship with God. As you build your Christian marriage, prioritize individual spiritual growth through prayer, studying the Bible, and participating in faith-based activities.

This not only strengthens your connection with God but also enhances your understanding and support for each other’s spiritual journey, contributing to the overall foundation of a lasting Christian marriage.




In conclusion, the key to a flourishing and enduring relationship lies in actively building a Christian marriage. Grounded in faith, prayer, and divine guidance, couples can navigate life’s challenges together.

Upholding biblical principles such as love, submission, and faithfulness, combined with open communication, forgiveness, and gratitude, forms the cornerstone of building a Christian marriage.

It is crucial to recognize that a thriving Christian marriage not only embraces these principles but also prioritizes individual spiritual growth.

As you embark on the journey of building a Godly marriage, may these foundations fortify your bond and pave the way for a union blessed by the grace of God.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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