Categories: Relationships

12 Best Tips For Long Distance Relationships

Are you in a long distance relationship and looking for how to make it work better?

My reasons for writing this post are to share some tips for long distance relationships success with you.

You may have read books on how to keep a long distance relationship exciting, you may have also followed some expert advice on how to make a distance relationships work and all didn’t work for you.


Then follow these tips for long distance relationships that I will show you in this post, and you will have massive success.


There’s no doubt that long-distance relationships are hard: It is so hard that many believe it’s not worth going into at all.

Some people also ask questions if a long distance relationship works at all.


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However, a long-distance relationship is not a  death sentence. So if for any reason you find yourself separated from your love,  don’t be afraid, there’s a way to make things work out well for you.

With these tips for long distance relationships success you are reading now, you are close to getting the relationship to work for you.


Question is:

Does a long distance relationship work at all? And how do you maintain a long distance relationship?

The answer is yes! And it doesn’t take that much to make a long-distance relationship work than to take some specific actions.


According to the latest research, “Long-distance relationships have a 58% success rate.” which is good.


Although nothing can compare with being close to your loved one, however, there is not much you can do if the situation demands that you stay separately for some time.

And you can make it work if you’ll follow the steps I will show you in a minute.


If you want to succeed, then relax and let’s dive in.



Tips For Long Distance Relationships That Work:


1 Embrace New Technology:-

“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” – John Maeda

Technology has made things easier now. As the world is getting digitally connected, It presented some new and better ways of communication.


Although surveys show that physical intimacy still poses the biggest challenges in a long-distance relationship, however,  technology advancement has not only helped long-distance relationships but has also made it practicable too.

About ( 88%) of couples have proven the efficacy of technology and how it has helped them in their relationship.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Two: Use Online Video Calling Systems:

In long-distance relationships, Distance is like a wound and video call is medicine”

The use of Skype and other communication methods like WhatsApp and Facebook video calls has made it easy and cheaper to reach your partner anywhere and at any time regardless of time and distance.

So embrace these new technologies and get your relationship working again. With the call chats, you can see where your partner is and what he or she is doing at any point in time.

Isn’t that what you want? Just make use of that tool and make your relationship better.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Three: Try Open and Creative Communication:

“Communication works for those who work at it.” – John Powell

Communication remains the backbone of every relationship, so whether you are close or far away from each other, you should always strive to keep your communication line open all time.


Share greeting with each other in the morning, afternoon, and night, and most especially discuss your daily activities and life in general.

You can schedule regular communication either through phone calls, snap chats, and other forms of interactions.

Doing these constantly will suffice for the long-distance relationship.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Four: Spend Quality Time Together:

Everybody should spend some quality time with their family members and try to make the best out of bad situations.

Mahesh Manjrekar

In as much as technology has helped in making long-distance relationships practicable, there’s still got to be limited time to share.

Understand how to optimize that little time you spend together. Make it unique and memorable too.

The trick to adopt here is to plan ahead of time about your activities during the calls or chats.

Be sure it is always quality time together with your partner.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Five: Have A Goal In Your Mind:

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.”

—Earl Nightingale

The truth is that your long-distance relationship will not last forever, a time will come when both of you will come back together again.

It is then imperative you are both on the same page as to how life after your separation will be.

Try to do things that will keep both of you motivated always. Creating those relationship goals together will help you to remain on the same page always.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Six: Communicate Your Needs:

The only way to be heard is to actually speak up.”

You must understand that your partner is not a mind reader, so you should always be ready to tell him/her about all your needs, whether it’s a family’s needs, sexual needs, or other personal needs.


Don’t keep it to yourself because you are far apart at the moment.

Sharing these while you are not close, will help you achieve more when you are together at last.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Seven: Trust is Important Also:

“A relationship without trust is like a car without fuel, it can’t move ahead.”


No relationship survives without trust, and no long-distance relationship will thrive well without trust. Do not assume things that don’t exist in your partner’s mind.

You should trust them completely and believe that things are normal as it’s supposed to be.

Most relationships fail when one or both partners starts suspecting the other.

It may not be easy for you, but you have to believe whatever they tell you.


What you should do

The best way to build trust is to trust yourself first and then be open in whatever you do in your closets.

If it entails recording your daily activities and sending them across to your partner, just do so.

All you want is to build and make your relationship successful as well.


How To Maintain A Long Distance Relationship Eight: Keep Good Friends:

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”

— Amy Poehler

Above all, the friends you keep determined to a great extent how successful your long-distance relationship will be.

If you keep the friends that will empower you to think positively about your relationship, then you will succeed.

However, some friends will bring you down and teach you what you shouldn’t learn about distant relationships.

Remember they say ” show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. You must choose friends who will keep you optimistic about your relationship. That’s all you need.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships Nine: Distance  Has Its Benefits Too:

“Distance means so little when someone means so much.”

One of the recipes for a successful relationship is having personal time. That means that there are other things to gain now you are not together.

The survey also shows that (55%) of people in a long-distance relationship confirmed that their staying apart has made them feel closer and made them more intimate together.

However, it depends on how you view it. If your views are positive, then you will learn a lot of things during your staying apart.


Long Distance Relationship Tips Ten: Invest In Your Relationships:

“A relationship is an investment that will build as you continue to devote your time and effort. The more you put in, the more you’ll get back.”

Live your life to its fullest: don’t keep yourself out of society and friends, they are the ones who will keep you company now your partner is not close by.

Your partner should indeed be your priority, but he/she shouldn’t be your life. Keep yourself busy with some interesting friends.

Just live your own life. Make yourself happy, and treat yourself so you don’t get stressed thinking about your distant relationship.


Tips For Long Distance Relationships 11: Be Available Always:

“If you are capable, but not available, nature will raise a person with lesser ability to replace you soon.”

Nothing breaks a relationship like emotional unavailability. Your partner expects you to answer to respond swiftly to any of their emotional calls.

The researcher also found that quick response has helped a lot of people in distant relationships.

It may be difficult to answer the emotional calls in long-distance relationships, but there are the most important ones you should never fail on.

Some of them are calls, emails, and messages. Those should be made a priority and make sure you never found wanting in any of them.

If anything will make you fail, let it be cogent enough.

Tips For Long Distance Relationships 12: Pray All The Way:

“Wishing will never be a substitute for prayer.”

Ed Cole.

Commit all to God and let Him take preeminent in all. These tips for a long distance relationship success may not work as you want if you want to depend on your power.

If you have tried all you could, then let God take over from where you are now. He has the final say.


In Conclusion:

These tips for long-distance relationships success will only work for you if you take action.

Reading it alone won’t be of much help and so if you have read to this point, then back it up with action and you will succeed at last.





AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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