
My step process to help you quit porn fast

There is a sharp increase in the level of porn consumption all over the world, maybe due to the ease of access to it. However, the more porn consumption increase, the, more it destroys people and relationships. If you are a porn addict, it may be hurting your relationship too, and the best thing to do is to quit porn now and save your marriage.

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It won’t be that easy.

Believe me, I know it won’t be such an easy task to quit porn. Just as it is hard to stop other addictions, it is more difficult to quit porn addiction.

Some of the people that recovered from drug and alcohol addictions agreed that porn, masturbation, and sex are always easy to quit than porn.

Now, it is pretty easy to watch porn, it’s just an arm away, so you don’t have to go far to get it. If you have tried so many times to get over porn without success, don’t worry.

In this post, you will see some easy things you can do to quit porn for good.


Important Steps To Quit Porn For Good.

1) Acknowledge that you have the problem:-

The first step to overcoming porn addiction is to accept you have the problem in the first place.

If you find it hard to admit your problem, then it won’t be easy for you also to actively look for ways out.

It amazes me how people feel so comfortable with some harmful loops and still will not care about the consequences. Well, you have to admit and then step into action immediately.


2) And You Are Not Alone In The Game:-

This is another great step toward overcoming your challenges. Knowing you are not alone makes you remove the shame you have, which opens you up to looking for ways out.

Porn addiction is one of those problems people never want to talk about often and there are so many reasons to be ashamed to talk about it.

However, if you want to quit, then you should compose yourself to do so,

Most of the people that quit the game dared to tell their stories too. So search the internet for stories of people that stopped,


It will help you

Reading, or hearing other people’s stories can empower you to know that others have passed or are still going through the same problems.

A lot of pastors, ordinary people, and celebrities have to thread the same part before and so when your “lingering shame feeling” seems hard to break, then listen to their stories and get motivated.


3) Reach Out For Help

The recovery steps may not be that easy if you want to do that alone. You have to look for support somewhere.

Here’s what you should do;

Look for at least someone you can relate your struggles to. Look for someone you can confide with, and who wouldn’t use your stories as a weapon to you.

When you’ve found whom to tell your stories, reach them immediately to avoid being taken over by your fear.


Don’t hold back a bit.

You’ve got to tell your friend and don’t procrastinate else you’ll have changed your mind and you will remain where you are without a solution to your challenges.

You don’t have to tell all the story about your porn journey, but you have to let them know that you need support and will appreciate it if they help out.

Now it’s up to you to take things seriously in other to stop your porn addiction.


4) Delete All The pornography access

If you are interested in stopping porn, then you have to make sure you destroy and restrict yourself from accessing porn sites or magazines within your reach.

I know this won’t be easy but when you are determined, it can be pretty empowering.

Deleting and restricting yourself from all your pornographic collections can be a good step forward in quitting porn.

Think of deleting all your social media porn membership accounts or anything that can remind you of porn.

So go ahead and shot yourself out of any pornographic material and be sure you don’t yield to it again.

5) Avoid Being Idle Or Private Places.

It was said that ” an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” When you consider the times you fall victim to pornography, it came while you were alone and in a private. Yes, that’s when the temptation usually comes.

If you can keep yourself in check to avoid these two situations then it will be easier to avoid indulging in porn.


Remember, you are doing everything to help you overcome porn once and for all, so if possible, I will advise you to keep everything that helps you indulge in the act in the public, where it will be impossible for you to access again. Also, destroy any porn reminder you have.

Although this will not bring a 100% result to you, since your mobile device is there in your hand, but, it will be a step to success for you.


6) Attend Recovery Coaching:-

Thankfully, nowadays, you can access some “addiction treatment facilities”, like hospitals and health centers. Some communities also provide recovery centers to help people be porn-free.

These facilities to an extent have helped many people regulate their sex and porn addiction, but not to eradicate it.

However, what you could learn can be of good help.


7) Keep Trying again and again:

One thing is for sure, it will not be easy for you to overcome porn in a short time. You may try so many times and fail so many times too. Nevertheless, do not count the number of times you failed, but keep raising and try again and again.

If you have done all you could, the rest is left for God to do. Just do your part.


Finally, I want to remind you of the setbacks you will face as you take your steps into stopping porn usage. Things will not be easy at first. But, with constant trials and discipline, you’ll have success.

The points I laid down here will guide you well.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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