Categories: Marriage

7 Sure Ways of getting ready for marriage.

It amazes me so much how couples put all their efforts and time into preparing for their wedding and spend little or no time at all getting ready for marriage itself.

It is supposed that the couple should take a good time to consider things like how to take care of finances, how to take care of the children, the number of children you want to have as well as who will take charge of whatever, before getting married.

These things are supposed to be a priority, but they are not even thought about until after the wedding and that’s why there are so many broken marriages today.

If you are about to wed in no distant time from now and have never thought about the life that comes after the wedding, then this post is for you and I will show you some things you’ll need to do as you are getting ready for marriage.

If you are ready, then let’s get going now.

1) Get your finances right:-

One of the challenges  that rear up its head a few years after the wedding is the issue of money

A survey by Sun trust Bank shows that 35% of arguments in marriage comes from the issues of money and that if it takes couple-few years for couples to recover from other challenges, that many couples never recovers from that caused by money.

The fact is that couples don’t just have issues about money, they hide their transactions from each other.

However, this issue of money would have been sorted out before the wedding, but who really wants to talk about that when everyone is so excited about the wedding itself.

To avoid it from happening in your marriage, you have to start early and think of how to go about things like – whether you will have a joint account or not,  how to pay the bills and other important things.

2) Set goals for your marriage:-

The same way you set goals for your works or business to make you increase your productivity, you should also set goals for your relationship if you want it successful.

Setting goals helps you strengthen your marriage because it gives you the strength to work as a team to achieve a common goal.

Setting goals also helps you and your better half understand each other and also help you achieve a great fulfillment in other aspects of your marriage.

It’s a very good idea for both of you to talk about your future dreams.

How would you like your relationship to be in the next 3,5_7 or more years be?

It all starts with what you do today.

3) Talk about your expectations:-

Communication still stands the number one bedrock of every successful relationship and you start from your time of dating to get it right since both of you are planning to be a team.

It’s also pertinent that both of you should be open as you talk about anything that matters as you discuss your future marriage.

As a couple to be, there is a need to discuss household, intimacy, roles, finance, and other important things.

4) Give up your bad habits:-

Many marriages are strained today because many couples are unable to break their individual habits.
You see= }} habits are very common to everyone whether it’s good or bad, but while the good ones help to build your relationship, the other will definitely interfere negatively in your marriage.

And so the best thing to do is to take absolute care about those habits you know that can be detrimental to your relationship. It may be drinking habit, gambling or drug; whatever it is, the way forward is giving them up completely before getting into marriage so that your personal problem doesn’t become your marriage problem.

5) Clear your debts:-

The best way to begin a relationship is to start “fresh”

Getting into any relationship with a shipload of debts will overwhelm your relationship because the time both of you will use to focus on your future finance will be devoted to how to settle your old debts and the greatest tension and stress will start when your debtors will start knocking on your door.

To avoid that from happening, make sure you settle your debts before getting married.

6) Have a relationship with God:-

With God all things are possible and without Him, nothing can work.
If you really want to have a good and successful marriage, then you must let Christ pilot the boat of the touring relationship.

Firstly, you have to get your relationship with God right before your personal relationship will work out after that, then ask Him to lead and then go ahead a follow Him, for He will never disappoint you.

7) Learn good communication skills-

If actually communication is important in marriage and 45% of marriages are destroyed by lack of good communication, then there’s a need to get your communication skills right.

The fact is that the closer we become with someone, the easier we tend to hurt then or they hurt us, and so you must be careful with your choice of words because it not always what we say that matters but his we said it.

If you find it hard to communicate properly with your spouse, maybe you find yourselves quarreling anytime you want to discuss as husband and wife, then you must work on your communication skills.

One way to improve your skills is to be a good listener, I mean listening most often with undivided attention than talking.


Here this. Don’t plan your wedding without being ready for the marriage itself. My step process of getting ready for marriage is enough to guide you on all there is to know about marriage and how to be ready for it.

See you at the top.

I am still your Friend



AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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