Best Husband Ever: 13 Strategies To Be Good Husband
As the year is gradually coming to an end, you should be able to beat your chest and say you are the best husband ever. So how would you score yourself? 80%, 50%, 20%. Well, the answer depends on you. However, if your score is below 80%, then it is below average, a good percentage for a successful marriage is 100%, which means everyone putting all effort into making the marriage work.
In this article, I want to give you some tips that will help you improve yourself to be the best husband ever in the coming year. If you are ready, let’s ride on. Just get a glass of anything you like.
But let me warn you upfront:
I know you have read so many self-help books, you have attended so many seminars and yet everything remains unchanged.
You should not take this article like the same. If you know you will not make use of what I am writing here for you, let me know so that I can stop writing …..
Oh! You are still here?
Ok let’s go
Here is why you must be the best husband ever.
A) If your wife is not happy, you will not be happy and your marriage will be unhappy too:-
Behind every successful man, there must be a good woman. When a woman is happy with the marriage, she tends to do more to help make it stand firm. For your wife to be happy, she must have confidence in you; she must be able to say “ yes “This is the man I married and he is the best husband ever. If your wife is not happy because of your attitude, things will not be the same again.
Improper attitudes will make her keep a distance from you and keeping distance means shutting the communication door and when there is no communication, the marriage is heading for a fall.
B) Like, attract likes:-
If you want your wife and your children to be the best you want them to be, then you should make consistent efforts to be the best husband ever. Children especially learn very fast from the people around them;
Most of the men who bully their wives learn that from their parents, also when you look at those divorced families, there must be a trace of divorce from their family. Live your life so that people around you can get the best of you.
C) It will bring peace in your marriage:-
being the best husband ever will bring more peace, joy, love, and commitment to your marriage. When you learn how, when, and where to do the things you should do as a husband, everywhere becomes peaceful, and secure for marriage to thrive well.
If your marriage lacks all these I have mentioned, then you need to check yourself properly.
What can you do to be the best husband ever?
1) Make a New Year resolution:
At the end of every transaction, people take stocks to know if there is a profit or loss. You can also take stock of your marriage to know if you are the best husband ever, or did the best to make your marriage work; you should be able to say “Yes my marriage is much better than it was the year before.
Taking stock of your marriage lets you know if you contributed positively or negatively to your marriage. What are those things you didn’t do well? Are there things you can drop or things you can improve on?
I implore you to make a list of them and paste it wherever you can see it. Then start adjusting yourself to work with what you wrote on your list to be the best husband ever.
2) Discipline yourself to start:-
It is very easy to make New Year’s resolutions, but it is not that easy to put those resolutions to work. The only thing that will help you be the best husband ever this New Year is to discipline yourself to work towards your goal.
It may require you to change your lifestyle. There are things you need to give up, and there are those you will strongly hold on to. Though it may not be an easy task when you want to change to be a good husband and father, it is worth doing so that your marriage will move to another level.
3) Be a good protector to your wife:
You may not need to fight for your wife, but one thing she always wants to be assured of is that she is secure and that she can rely on, trust, and find shelter in you. Your wife can trust you completely if she realizes how transparent you are; that will make her open too, because she sees you as the best husband ever.
Like I said before, you don’t have to fight for her, but those little things you do- like using the words like “us” instead of “I”, and also doing other things that will build confidence in her enough to make her feel safe with you.
4) Be more romantic:
Re-ignite the fire of love in your marriage. Many men stop dating their wives immediately after the wedding, but that is improper. If dating helped you when you wanted to get married if you still need it to make your marriage stronger.
Plan to have more romantic dates with her, and find time to hug, cuddle, and kiss her. The research said that at least 20 minutes hug can add more passion to your marriage. So why not start now to be more romantic?
If you are not sure of what to do, ask her to tell you all that can make her feel good.
5) Choose to please her daily:
I realized that it doesn’t take much to make your wife happy. All they want from you is to show that love. You may not give her a large paycheck; just little gestures can make her feel on top of the world.
By now you would have known those little things she likes; you can write them down and make an effort to do them. You will be amazed at what joy will feel in her heart.
6) Make an effort to know her very well:-
It may surprise you if I look you in the face now and tell you that you don’t know anything about your wife. From research, most of the marriages that lasted long are those that know themselves well.
Can you tell me what your wife’s favorite book is? what type of food does she like, where would she want to be in her leisure? Knowing those things will help you be the best husband and father this coming year.
7) Always give her undivided attention:-
What has been your attitude during your conversation with your wife? Probably you are among those who will have their mobile phone or laptop in their hand or maybe watching the television.
Your wife wants to have your undivided attention, she wants to know that you are interested in what she is saying.
The best way to do that is to be a good listener. Never interrupt her while she is talking.
If you think what she is saying is not correct, find a better time to tell her, but that should be gentle and with wisdom. doing this will make you the best husband ever.
8) Prioritize your marriage:-
Let your marriage be the first thing that matters to you. It is amazing how people neglect their marriage because of a job or business; that will only hurt your marriage and remember, your marriage is where you will go back to when the work is gone.
If you are keen on being the best husband ever, then prioritize your marriage. Let your friends know that you love your marriage more than anything in your life.
Get home on time when you close from work. Some men prefer to hang out and get home late; if you are among those, then it is time to stop; now you want to be a good husband.
9) Always see her best side and not the bad side:-
to be the best husband ever, you must learn to overlook certain things. She indeed has some flaws, but that is because you focus on that. If today you make up your mind to count the good side of your wife, you may find out that it surpassed the bad. Concentrate on the good and forget the bad. That’s when you’ll start appreciating her.
10) Always learn to confront your problems:-
Problems are inevitable in any relationship, but while some couples solve their problems amicably and move forward, others run away from theirs; but running away from your marital problems is the best way to make your marriage fail.
Research shows that the inability to solve any marital problem within the next 30 minutes is the reason for divorce. Never go to be without solving your problems
Always confront your problems. Get help from a marriage counselor or therapist if there is a need for that and never be ashamed to tell someone; maybe you can get quality help from them. A closed mouth they say is a closed destiny.
11) Learn to compliment and stop complaining about her:-
Everyone wants to be complimented and your wife is one of them. Instead of complaining about her inabilities, why not compliment her?
Tell her when she did something good, after dressing, compliment her, tell her how beautiful she looks, tell her how you love to have her as your wife. When she is out, send love messages to her. That will make her change and she will see you as the best husband ever.
12) Decide to spend time with your family
If you love your family, then spending quality time with them is one of the ways you can demonstrate that love. Spending time will allow you to know and understand your family well. Although there is a limited time for parents to do that, you should create time if you must be the best father.
13) Limit your expectation and stop being dominating:–
I know every man expects much from their wife. Most marriages are so much based on one expectation or another; it may be physical, emotional, behavioral, physical financial, or other expectations.
But, no matter what your expectations are, never allow it to overshadow the bond that holds you and your partner together.
If you want her to behave in a particular way in a kind of situation, you should find a better way to explain to her instead of nagging. Never be too domineering, demanding, or controlling because of the different views or opinions about anything.
14) Support your financially:-
Your family has needs and they are not expecting an outside to meet their financial need. It is your responsibility as a husband and father. This year, you should try very hard to be financially stable in other to take care of your family. Let her know your current financial state and try and do what you can do to meet their needs.
15) Be faithful and don’t cheat:
No partner feels good when the other cheats on him or her. An extramarital affair is one of the best reasons for divorce today. When you cheat it means your wife is not good for you and that you prefer other women to her. But a good husband will be faithful and never cheat on her wife. If you truly want to be one, then stay faithful.
All these are my opinions about being a good husband and father this year. There may be other things I forgot to add. You can add your own opinion in the comment section. We would love to read yours
As a happy wife myself, I love some of the suggestions you have made. There is nothing as wonderful as a good marriage and it is worth investing some effort to get there.
That’s right Tania. Thanks for the feedback
Great advice! I forwarded this to my husband, haha!
Good tips. A good Marriage must include alot of compromise on both sides to succeed.
yes Heidi , every partner must be ready to make some sacrifices
You’re right, it’s so important to treat each other kindly and the effect it has in children is immense. Thank you for spreading the importance!
I need to print this and throw it in my hubby’s face. LOL. Don’t get me wrong, he is wonderful. But there are points on this list that I think all men can take note on. Wonderful read!
Glad you have a wonderful husband. We are all human and cannot be hundred percent perfect
I am not a wife myself, but there is so much truth in this post. I grew up in an unhappy home, due to my parents being in an unhappy marriage. If a man isn’t the man he needs to be for his wife and his children, he will live an unhappy life, and produce an unhappy home. A happy women is essential, but a man cannot have a happy wife, and be happy himself without communication and compromise.
Thats true Tatyana
Thx Tatyana for the feed back