Categories: Parenting

11 Tremendous secrets of a happy family

What are the secrets of a happy family? What are the things that make some families thick and other shaky and unhappy?

Does the happy family engage in different acts that unhappy families don’t? Well, you guessed right. The happy family has some peculiar things they do that makes then what they are, and in this post, we will discuss what these secrets of a happy family are.

To make your family a place of love, peace, and harmony, you have to follow these secrets of a happy family below.

You will get more insights into how to build a happy family by reading these books written by great authors.

Simple secrets of a happy family: what the scientists have learned.

– The Secrets of a happy family: improve your morning, tell your family history.

Eight keys to building a lifetime of connection in your family.

Why are these important for you to know?

Lisa Weed said that “Being in a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.”

But happens only if you have a happy family. A beautiful family is the pride of every parent and a pure haven to the once that belongs there.

The first place you want to go to after a long day at work is your home and to your family. If it’s not filled with love, it won’t be worth going into.

11 Tremendous secrets of a happy family.


1 Be The Best Parents:-

The foremost secret of a happy family is to be the best parents to your children. The life and the success of your family depend on the type of parents you are.

A good parent teaches good morals to their children.

You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

The truth is that you can not give what you don’t have. Your children see you as their role model. They learn from watching what and how you do things in their presence. You are their first teacher and they learn from your examples.

When they see you respect others, they follow suit and when you put people down, they learn to do so too.

To have disciplined children, you will have to teach them well.

2) Learn To Pray Together:

The acronym that ” the family that prays together stays together is not a new quote to you. To validate the meaning of that statement, the BYU researcher did research and find out that the statement is more than a quote.

The publisher of said that ” Not only is prayer an opportunity to speak to God, it is also a time for families to disclose details of their day. Whether it is addressing a concern or an opportunity to pray on behalf of others, prayer becomes a “time and space” to share feelings and thoughts.”

The family gathers to learn from God and also learn how each other is fairing.

If you desire to have a wonderful relationship with your family, then have a special time for family prayers.


3) Have Your Family Time:

It is imperative to have family time. This is a time when the family gathers together just to enjoy each other’s company.

It is true that family is forever, but it is also important that you keep your family healthy. Family time is what helps you achieve that. You create great connections, love, and bond among your family during the family time

Spending a good time helps the family to instill the feeling of security, help you cope with the family challenges, add value, and give your kids great confidence to be a member of the family.

When you spend time with your family, the chances of your children getting involved in useless activities are minimized.

4) Be Each Others Helper:

Nothing works better than working together. As an affirmation said: ” two heads are better than one.” It is important you work as a team if you want to build a stronger bond.

Help each other in their chores, assist each other when in need, and help in anywhere you can. Give listening ears and good advice when need be.

The best way to stay happy in your family is to continue to work in synergy.

5) Be Your family Motivator:

As parents, your family’s success and failures depend on your ability to ignite and imbibe the right mindset on your family.

It is therefore imperative that you find a way to motivate the members of your family. Be their strength in weakness, encourage them when they fail, and assure them that failure doesn’t mean an end.

It is your responsibility to lead them to do what you want them to do. This will help you to create good habits that last, create loyalty, and destroy resentment and anger.

However, when your family feels manipulated,  everyone becomes aggressive and feel insecure.

6) There Is An Effective Conflict Resolution:

There are quarrels, fights, and disagreements in every family, but while some families find it hard to manage their conflicts, the happy family has a way of dealing with their issues effectively.

They don’t walk away from their problems, but they understand the importance of walking the issues out.

It may not be easy to face the family challenges because sometimes your emotions get in the way. Meanwhile, when you know the best strategies for dealing with them, you will turn the difficult moments into great opportunities to build bonds in your family.

7) Never Fight In Front Of Your Children:

A famous marriage researcher John Guttman advised that you never fight within your children’s hearing range.

In his research, Guttman found out that children whose parents had frequent fights and arguments are likely to be depressed and suffer serries of behavior issues before they get to the seventh grade.

It is true that arguments it’s inevitable in relationships, but if you fight the wrong way, it will not work well with your relationship. But, if you mistakenly do, then apologize to them immediately.


8) Learn To Speak Positively Of Your Family And Children:

It is easier to speak positively about your children and family when things are going well: but what do you say when there is a little chaos or trouble?  Do you curse or angry?.

One of the secrets of a happy family is that good parents see every mistake as an opportunity to bless their children.

For example, when your child is not doing well in school, call them and reassure them that they are most intelligent in their class, that will build their self-esteem and make them better.

It is good to help your

11) There is Free Communication:

In a happy family, everyone is free to say his mind. It is not like the family where everyone tells the mum and the mum tells the dad. No everyone is free to speak.

Rose J Perkins from Stonehill College in Easton says that “a happy family communicates with each other.”

That means every member of the household is free to communicate openly.


Anyone can make their family happy and a place to be by following these simple steps.

– Be the best parent: Being the best parent means being your children’s role model. They look up to you and copy what you do. If they see good in you, the follow suit.

–  “Pray together: The family that prays together, stays together.”

– Have family time: This is a time to reconnect with your family.

– Be each other’s helper: learn to assist each other.

– Be the family motivator: support your family during weakness.

– Know how to manage conflicts: there must be issues, but be abreast of it.

–  Don’t fight in front of your children; No matter what it is that happens, don’t fight within their hearing limits.

– Be positive about your relationship.

– Make your family a priority:

– Be flexible

– There should be free communication.

Which of these secrets of a happy family do you think is more effective? Which of them will you apply first in your relationship?

Share your ideas in the comment box. Remember, “Sharing is Caring.”



AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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