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76 Absolutely Positive Affirmations For Self Love You’ll Love


Positive affirmations for self love are one tool you can use to recreate love and your self-esteem when you feel you don’t love yourself.
Love is contagious and you can only receive love when you have some love for yourself and to give out too.


Sometimes in our lives, we have so many reasons to doubt and lose confidence in ourselves.


There are many things out there that are ready to deplete our love to the minimum as we continue to journey into life, we must lose something dear to us, have pains, and make and break relationships.


If you are not strong enough to use those positive affirmations for love on yourself, love will be sniffed out of you and you will be vulnerable to hurts and dislikes which may probably lead to suicide.


With affirmations for confidence and self love, you can restore self-love and build strong walls of care around yourself.




 Self Love Affirmation work:


Words are powerful, when you speak positive words to yourself, with time those words create realities for you. The opposite happens when you use negative words.


positive affirmations for self love are positive phrases or words you speak to yourself repeatedly to motivate, encourage, boost your self-esteem, and challenge all negative and unproductive thoughts.


Practicing can be exceptionally simple, and all you need to do is select a few positive phrases and repeat them to yourself over and over again.


Affirmation Practices That Work.


It works speedily when you repeat your chosen affirmation many times daily. Replace the idle words with positive affirmations for self love and refuse to think of the wrong thoughts, you’ll have results. 


For example, when your mind tells you that you are a failure, replace it with the affirmation that you can never be a failure in life because you have an excellent spirit.


Below are other affirmations for self-love you can recite daily to boost your life.


76 Exotic Positive Affirmations For Self Love.



1) I have an excellent mindset and I do excellent things.


2) I was created for greatness and I do great things every day that’s why I can’t fail.


3) Everything is working together for my good, that includes my challenges, mistakes, failures, and disappointments.


4) I am fearfully and wonderfully created by God every part of my body is excellent; my eyes are attractive, my nose is sharp and pointed, and my mouth is sexy and succulent. No one can look as beautiful or handsome as I am. – Positive affirmations for self love. 


5) If you want to know how God looks, then take a look another look at me, because I was created in the image and likeness of God.


6) I can never make mistakes in anything I do because I have the wisdom of God and it teaches me how to do and be my the best in life.


7) “Take a look at me now, though it doesn’t matter what you see because I only see the glory in me.


8) I see opportunities everywhere I go and I good use of those opportunities to my advantage.


9) The love I have for myself is increasing daily, no one can love me as I do.


10) If other people fail, I will never fail because I can do everything perfectly.



11) I am moving closer to my success, promotion, and greatness daily. Gradually I will get there.


12) There is now a down life for me. My life goes from one step of glory to another. Affirmations for self help. 


13) Greatness is my birthright because I was created by a great God.


14 ) “I am loving the person I have become lately” and I am becoming smarter every day.


15) Whenever I look at myself in the mirror I see an edifice of God’s perfect creation.


16) I am full of God’s excellence and glory.”


17) I am handsome/ beautiful inside out.


20) I exude love, favor, greatness, and wisdom, and people around me are getting the feel of it.


21) I see things differently and I see things from the point of advantage.


22) Yes! I am a newspaper vendor, but I am a vendor with a style.


23 I am intelligent, my brain is sharp and my mind is receptive to every good thing.


24) I am the best among all my peers and I accomplish every task I set out to do.


25) Even if none of my co-workers are promoted, I will surely be promoted because I put my best in my work.


26) Every day brings its unique opportunities to me and I grab as much as I need for my greatness.



27) I go the extra mile for anything I want to achieve and I achieve them on a platter of gold.


28) I can never be sick because I have divine health and the life of God is in me.


29) I am intelligent, strong, and mature and I am loved by many.


30) I think the right thoughts and say the right things all the time. I never say anything opposite to what I want for my marriage, business, job, and family, and the things I speak to my life create realities for me. Positive affirmations for self help. 

31) ” I see trouble every day, but I don’t consider them at all and I refuse to let them dictate my behavior.



32) Every situation I face becomes a stepping stone for me.


33) I am created for health, happiness, success, and prosperity, that’s why I can’t fail or get sick.


34) My life is known for its upward and forward movement only. There is no sorrow, weeping, or discouragement on my part.


Affirmations For Self Love During Sickness:


When your body needs healing, only positive affirmation can work for you. Therefore speak these awards to boost your health.


35) Divine health is mine, prosperity is mine and lasting peace is also mine.


36) Excellence, success, and all the good life belong to me.


38) I am healthy and strong. The whole parts of my body are functioning normally, which includes my bones, lungs, kidneys, arteries, marrows, and ligaments.- Affirmations for self love when you are sick. 


39) “Every system in my body is functioning normally.”


40) I am more than a winner and I win in all things and all times.



41) No sickness can successfully survive in my body, because I have divine immunity.


42) ” I am a bundle of success, I’ve been ordained to prosper in everything.”


Self-love Affirmation For Your Marriage:


When you feel things are not working the way they should, you may be discouraged by what is happening, however, it is not right to respond negatively to the situation instead speak these words and change the situation. These affirmations for self-love will work for you at this point. 


43) My marriage is the best so far, my husband, wife, and I are always at peace and we relate to like the best couples will do.


44) My family remains United always because we settle our differences immediately and move forward with joy, peace, and love.


45) Nothing can matter to me more than my wife and my entire family that is why I do my best always to feel better and great that they have someone like me as a father/ husband. – Positive affirmations for self love. 


46) I have the best family in the world and I thank God always for making me part of this wonderful family.


47) Everyone in my family is strong and healthy, starting from my wife to my children as well as those who are related to me.


48) My daily focus is to be the best and do the best for my children and my family at large.


49) Believe it or not, my family is filled with great and loveable people on earth. I call universal lovers.


50) You can’t see any family that is as happy as mine, as prosperous as mine, and as lovable as mine. They are the best part of my life.


Self-Love Affirmations For Your Children:


When your children are growing up, speak words into their lives. The words will guide them to be who you want them to be.


51) It is true that life is tough, but I have trained my children to face any challenge that comes with a  winning attitude and they are not afraid to face it and win in the end.


52) My children are great, unique, intelligent, and the best among their equals.



53) My children’s health is perfect and they have a sound mind too.


54) Favor, greatness, joy, and love are all part of my lifestyle and I have transferred all these to my children.


55) I am the best dad/ mum and I take good care of my children and they love me back.


56) If you want to know what greatness looks like, then take a look at my children because they are full of wisdom and greatness.


Affirmations For Self Love When You Need Job.


Many people fail to get their desired jobs because they have already failed in their minds. You must build your confidence up before going out for jobs.


57 There are jobs everywhere and I have many options to choose from.


58) I have what it takes to be employed in any company of my choice and nobody can reject me. – Positive affirmations for self love. 


59) I am sharp, smart, and intelligent, and can fit in any company I choose.


60) No company can choose me to work for them, I choose for myself.


Self-love Affirmation For Success.


Use these words when it looks like things are not working the way they should.


61) I have what it succeeds in like.


62) I am a success and not a failure.


63) I succeed in everything I do, failure is not for me.


64) I am 100% in control of my thoughts and actions.


65) “I know who I am.” I am a great achiever.


66) I am not only blessed, but I am also a blessing to others.


67) I am not moved by negative situations, because I know what to do at any time.


68) I reign and rule in every situation.


69) I am beautiful in all descriptions.


70) I believe in myself.


Self-love affirmation for your promotion:


When it seems you are not occupying your position in the office, speak these words to yourself, and watch how things will change swiftly.


71) No one can take what belongs to me in my office. – Affirmations for self-love. 


73) I appreciate all my accomplishments and celebrate my successes as well.


74) My success has no limits and I am grateful for that.


75) I am proud of my job.


76) I am a gifted salesman and I know how to make tremendous sales every time.




There are 76 powerful affirmations for self love written down for you in this post. Select your best out of it and speak it back to yourself daily.


Although the changes wouldn’t be imminent, they will come eventually. However, it will not be for you if you don’t take action after reading this.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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