Categories: Marriage

Research To Know If A Nigerian Man Is Married

So you are looking for ways to know if a Nigerian man is married or not? I commend you for that because it is a step in the right direction.

Here is why:

If you want to succeed in your relationship, you need to get ready before marriage. One of the steps to take at this point is to ask few questions about whom you want to marry.

For example:

  • The background of your intended partner.
  • Ask about your suitor.
  • The traditional marriage rites.
  • The customs of the people.

These questions will help you determine if you should go on with the marriage or not. In this article,  I will show you ways to know if a Nigerian man is married, and how to know if a Nigerian man is serious about you.

After reading this, you will know if he is serious about marrying you, or if he is just playing you.

Let’s get into it

10 ways to know if a Nigerian man is married:

1) He will never invite You To His House:

If you are dating an already married man, don’t expect him to invite you to his house because that will never happen, or else he is very serious about marrying, or he has probably divorced his wife.

No married man wants to destroy their marriage, so they do everything to prevent you from visiting him at home.

However, if he wants to take you home, then there is another plan along the way, if not that’s a red flag.

2) He Will Never Introduce You To His Household:

The last thing a Nigerian married man will do is to take you home or to his close friends or introduce you as a spouse. If he is courageous to introduce you to his friends, then that’s as a business associate or friend.

What is the need to let yourself be addressed as who you are not because you are dating married men? There are many men out there to date who are still single. Be patient, you will surely find one.

3) Your Mind Tell You That:

You may know if a Nigerian man is married, if you can follow your mind. Sometimes, you may not have to wait till you see a sign to know that a Nigerian man is married, you have to listen to your intuition.

If it has been occurring to you that something is not right with that guy, then listen to your mind.

It may be a good sign to note.

4) He Only Takes You To Secluded Places:

To know if a Nigerian man is married, consider the places they want to take you to for a date. The man who loves you and wants to be identified with you will always be bold to brandish you.

They are not afraid to be seen anywhere with you. But a married Nigerian man will only take you to a secluded place.

He wouldn’t like a crowded place so as not to be seen by anyone. If your man behaves that way, he has a skeleton in the cupboard.

That may be a sign that he is married.

5) You won’t Be His Friend On Social Media:

You have sent countless friend requests to this guy on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites, but he is not responding to them.

The last time you checked his profile he was seen a few hours ago, yet he hasn’t accepted you, and he will always have a reason for his actions.

He is not even ready to share any picture of you on his status too. Something is not right, maybe he is not proud to have you as a friend or he is afraid someone will ask questions.

Such is a clear sign of secrecy.

Talk to him about connecting with you and if he still not accepting your requests, run for your life.

6) No Plan To Have A Future With You:

This is an important way to know if a Nigerian man is married, because they will never see you in their plans for the future. You will never hear him  talk of any plan to commit to you and he will not want you to talk about it too.

He can buy you gifts, give you any amount of money you care for. You can vouch that he loves you, but when it comes to settling down with you, that won’t happen.

No married man wants to discuss marriage with their side chick, so if there are no other reasons you know why he is not settling down with you, it may be that he is not single.

7) He Can Dump You Any Time:

Understand that you don’t have any future with this guy, since you won’t be his wife. He can only date you for sex, and he is ready to spoil you to get what he wants.

Immediately after this goal is achieved, his phone number becomes unavailable, or he gives repertoires of reasons why he won’t keep your next date.

Although this is a good sign to note, it is learning the hard way. To be on the safe side, ask him about marriage early, and then decide what to do next.

8) Check His Fingers:

The first place to look at when a man is approaching you for a relationship is his fingers, especially the second to the last finger in his left hand.

If he is married, there will be a ring on the 4th finger. However, most men will hide their fingers if they want to play tricks on you. Let that be your duty to continue searching until you see that red flag.

But that will be very difficult if he has ulterior motives. He may move the ring to the other finger and claim it is an ordinary ring or put it off entirely.

You will see the ring mark on his finger if you look closely.

9) Search His Details On The Internet:

We are in a digital world where you get everything you want at the click of a button. You shouldn’t go for a long distance to know whatever you want to know.

Pick up your laptop or phone and search for him on social media, you will be amazed at what you will find.

No matter how smart he is, you will find a loophole.

He may be too careful to cover his parts well, but the spouse and the children can leave a trace for you. So start your search from this moment.


10) Forget About Touching His Phone:

No matter how friendly you are with him, he will never let you touch his phone.

There is always a strong password to keep you out of it and no matter how smart you are, you can’t have access to it.

There are so many things to hide from you in there so keep off. But that’s one of the ways to know if a Nigerian man is married. If he is still single, he wouldn’t hide anything from you especially when the relationship is still young and fresh.

11) It Will Take Him Too Long To Answer Your Questions About his marital Status:

To know if a Nigerian man is married, try to ask him deep questions about his marita statue.

Have you tried that lately? If not, try it out this time. If he takes time to answer that, then something is fishy. It could be that he is afraid to commit or he just didn’t want to let the cat out.

A clever man who wants to play you will tell you that he is single just to have his ways, meanwhile, the way the answers came will show you what to believe. I wish you good luck as you find this out.

12) He Prefers The Odd hours:

Only the evils love to operate in the night. There may be reasons he is not visiting or taking you out at regular hours.

He must be up to something, and if you look closely, you will find out that he is afraid to be spotted by his wife or anyone else. Check if this is his behavior, and you have discovered another sign he is married.

13) He Will Never Stay The Night:

If you want to know if a Nigerian man is married, then watch out from this moment, you will observe so many things that haven’t occurred to you.

An example is that he will never want to spend the night. He must go home, irrespective of the time.

You will also notice that he starts jittering at some point, that’s because he knows the families will be waiting for him to be home. Note down what you see and compare it with other times; it will become clear to you that he is hiding something from you.

14 Too Many Phone Calls and Lies:

Another simple way to know if a Nigerian man is married is to observe how many calls he receives when he stays out. Also, watch his expression after the calls, a lot may be revealed especially if the wife is not happy that he is not home yet.

15 ????????

Have you tried anything that worked for you? Add it as the 15th point.


There are different ways to find out if a Nigerian man is married and I have written so many of the ways down for you, just to save you from mistakes.

Take time and read the post and then use the steps I shared with you here.

Which of the steps would you take first? Again, what would you do when you find out?


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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