Categories: Marriage

How to invest in your marriage when single.

If you are hoping to get married someday, then there’s a need to learn how to invest in your marriage now you are still single.

Why Did I Say So?


Read how to make your marriage strong

You see, there’s nothing worse than having a bad marriage/ relationship; it can only be compared to a furnace of fire.

According to research conducted at the University of Nevada many years ago using three hundred and seventy-three (373) “heterosexual couples” for investigation, it shows that marital conflicts have a great negative impact on the health of both couples.


The number one cause of that is a lack of preparations before getting in.

Simply put, many people never bother to Invest in their marriage, even when they are married, let alone when they are single.


Many people rushed into a relationship without properly investing in it, probably they thought that things could become much better when they are in.


But how can you get better results without good preparation?


Jackson Brown Jr. Said in his quote said that “the best results you will get tomorrow is doing your best today.

So what do you want?


It is obvious that investing in your relationship early will not make you the perfect spouse, but you could be a lot better than not doing anything at all.

Investing in as a single will definitely yield great results in the future, and I am here to show you how to do just that in this post.

 How to Invest in your marriage while still single  


1) Start with a prayer:-The first thing to do is to rely on God for a good partner and it starts with a prayer.


Tell God about your choice of spouse, the type of home you want to have as well as the children you want to raise,

Remember the word of God in the book of proverbs 3 verse 5-6 says we should trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, and that we should acknowledge all our ways to Him and He will direct our parts.

In that case, if you tell him everything you want to have in your relationship, He will surely make you successful at last.


2) Work on becoming your best: – The success and the failure of your marriage depend on you.

That simply means that if you want your relationship to become successful, then you have to do your best individually and the truth is that you can give what you don’t have.

Start adding values to yourself, by learning, reading, attend seminars, and browse the internet for how to be your best.


3) Surround yourself with good people: – Evil company corrupts good manners; that is a slogan that can’t be neglected.

The people you identify yourself with are the once that will influence you.
If your friends are good and know-how to value the opposite sex, then you are bound to learn those when you move with them.


However, if your friends are flirts, divorced or irresistible, that means you may learn those from them also.

Since you are planning to get married someday, have good people surrounding you.


4) Be prepared mentally: – There is a great difference between single and married, it’s a different world altogether.

What works for you while you were still single may not work when you are married.


This is the reason you should prepare mentally to adapt to the new life that is coming.

Understand that marriage brings someone that’s totally different from you or your background to be together forever and so you should expect a lot of things coming up when you are married.


5) Be health-conscious:- Many couples are having a difficult time now in their marriage because they were so negligent about their health in your youthful days.


Some are unable to have children now because they didn’t take care of their reproductive organs early.

To make sure it didn’t happen to you, go for a laboratory test and check if all things are functioning properly, if they are not okay, start treating yourself as you wait for your spouse to be.  That will save you a lot of stress and time in the future.


6 Equip yourselves domestically:- Start learning things you don’t know before about how to keep the house.

If you don’t know how to sweep, wash dishes, cut the vegetables, then learn it.

And most importantly, learn how to cook.
The best way to get your spouse’s love is through his stomach, so learn to prepare all the good foods and make him love you forever.


Finally: – if you want a successful marriage, start investing in it now that you are still single. What you do no, will go a long way to help you when you get married.




AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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