Categories: Marriage

The Most Important First Date Advice For You

So you are planning your first date? Then there is the best first-date advice for you.


Read this post carefully, and you are sure to have a wonderful first date this time.


After reading this, you will learn why people fail on their first dates, and then I will show you how to have the best first date.


The outcome of your first date will, to a great extent, show you the next steps to take.


You have to be careful now so you don’t spill the beans. Thankfully, I am here to guide you. In this article, I will share some important first-date advice for guys with you.


If this is what you want to learn, then let’s get to it.


The Most Important First Date Advice for You:


First date advice: step one: prepare yourself for the occasion.


Your first step to having a successful first date experience is to get yourself ready for it. It will not take you a year, and you will not have a preparatory class because of it.


Meanwhile, you should be ready for it. Take a shower and dress up properly. Wear your makeup and sweet perfumes.


Also, be ready to mingle with someone you are hoping to know more about in the future.


Be prepared for the question and answer sections of your meeting. Listening is also part of the game, so pay attention when you should too.


Dress to kill. Let your dressing create that first impression on your friend’s mind that you are elegant and a lovely person. As your friends, when you are ready to go, be prepared to make some changes if necessary.


First date advice two: Choose The Best Location For Your Date


The choice of location for your first date is as important as the date itself; if you choose right, then you will have the best date.


So take your time to select a good place that will suit you and your new date.


It’s best to choose a natural place to avoid distractions, then concentrate on getting to know each other better.


However, if you already know what your partner likes, it will be easier to choose a location related to that.


I will suggest places like cinemas, parks, beaches, restaurants, museums, and any other places that suit you.


Remember that your relationship depends on the outcome of your first date. Make this a memorable date from the beginning.


First date advice three: choose what to talk about during your date:


Now that you’ve decided where to go for your next date, the next step is to decide what to talk about.


If you want that day to be remarkable, then you need to consider your first date conversation topic.


Decide what to talk about to keep the conversation going and interesting as well.


Nothing is as frustrating as being on the first date and not having much to say to each other. Everywhere will be dull, and the date will be uninteresting.


That can make you feel reluctant to go on a date again with the same person.


On the flip side of it, find a way to keep the conversation going, and you will always wish to have more time to stay together.


Let your conversation be a two-way thing and light. Don’t discuss politics or your past relationships. You are here to enjoy yourselves and nothing else.


First-date advice: Be Original:




“Be original. That’s my best advice. You’re going to find that there’s something you do well, and try to do it with as much originality as you can. Don’t skimp on the words. Work on the words.”


One of the mistakes you should avoid making on your first date is pretending to be who you are not.


Unfortunately, trying to be who you are not to get your dates’ attention will only work for a while; once they find that out, you will regret it for the rest of your life.


If you want to get a second date or probably take your relationship to another level, keep things simple and original.


Don’t talk, catwalk, dress, or pretend to be Will Smith’s brother or sister just to get attention; that will only work for a while. Be you.



First date advice: five: be there on time.


This is the most important first-date advice to note. Being at the venue of your first date on time is also as important as the date itself.


I have seen many relationships fail because of poor time management. If you haven’t learned how to manage your time, let it be one thing you give more attention to.


It is very important to show up on time at any time you have a date. So whether you are seeing a movie, eating out, or going out for a walk, if you don’t consistently show up on time, it will not be good of you.


It shows you, potential partner, that you aren’t someone to rely on. Is that what you want to portray at the beginning of your relationship?


I hope not.


So get to work and learn time management skills so it won’t destroy your relationship.


Meanwhile, let the kissing not come early or in the middle; let it be the last thing before you leave the venue.



These are my first-date tips for you. They are all from my perspective, but they are surely the best advice you can rely on to have the best first date experience.


Which of the steps would you take first to get the most out of your first date?


We are waiting to hear from you.


Never be late.

I’ve already shown you the importance of getting there early. Unfortunately, many advisers said it is good to be late to your first date. No, that’s a lie.


Being late shows you can’t manage your time properly. To prevent that, get ready on time and set out early too.



Don’t forget your manners.


Behave yourself throughout your first date. Don’t give your partner reasons to wonder if you are worth dating or not.


That simply means you should take precautions in what you say, do, and all your actions.


Remember to Go Alone:


The appointment is just for two; don’t invite anybody to the special occasion, which is meant just for two, not for two or more.


Leave the group outing for next time. Go and have fun with your new date.


Keep Your Phone Down:


It would be best to switch your phone off and concentrate on your date. You can look at it after your special occasion.


The best way to show your partner how interested you are in your relationship is to concentrate.


Now that you know what you should or should not do during your first date, let’s look at another important question:

Do some research about your date before the time:

This sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? But it is also a good step to take to make your first date interesting. Researching your date can be a good way to ensure a more enjoyable and smoother experience.

It helps you discover common interests you can talk about to make your conversation more engaging and meaningful. Also, it shows genuine effort and interest, which can create a good impression of you.

To gather information, I will advise you to check their social media profiles to learn about their activities, hobbies, or topics they always love to talk about.

You may also reach out to their intimate friends for insights into what they like most.

However, be ready to keep your research respectful and not invasive. Your goal for doing that is to use the information to make your conversations natural and not interrogatory.

Keep Your Date Short And Sweet:

This is one of the first-date advice you shouldn’t play with. Interesting dates are not very long; it are shot. A shorter date can leave both of you gasping for more and set time for your interaction next time.

Plan your date to last from 1-2 hours. It provides you enough time to get to know each other without overstaying, which can can make your first date cumbersome.

If things are going as it should, you can always decide to extend the date. Having a stipulated time shows your consideration for your time together and also creates expectations for your next date.

 This approach ensures great experiences and makes both of you more eager to meet again, thereby fostering a gradual and interesting build-up in your relationship 

Be Ready To Pay:

Being ready to pay on your first day shows your sense of responsibility and thoughtfulness. It is a gesture that demonstrates how you value the times  you spent together and it is considerate of your date’s comfort 

When the bills come, show that you want to cover the cost, or at least pay for some potion if it is. This act reflects preparedness and generosity. If your date insists on paying or spilling the bill, accept their decision without argument.

The key is to convey appreciation and respect for their company and to set a positive tone for your relationship. Ultimately, it is all about mutual respect and the gesture it communicates.

Mind Your Body Language:

It is important that you mind your body language during your first date. Mostly, non-verbal cues impact how other’s perceive your comfort and interest level significantly.

Positive love language helps to establish trust and rapport. To convey your engagement, maintain good eye contact; that will signal confidence and attentiveness. A genuine smile will create a welcoming environment and show how approachable you are.

Leaning forward slightly indicates you are actively interested in your conversation. Additionally, when you cross your arms, your date may see that as being disinterested or defensive.

Additionally, frequently looking at your phone means distraction or lack of interest. When you are mindful of these cues, you can have better communication and connection on your first date.

Is it right to kiss on your first date? 


If you are asking this same question, then here are the simplest answers to that question.


There is nothing wrong with kissing on your first date. It is not bad, and it is not a sin. If the environment is okay for you, there is no special rule.


Many people prefer to have sex on their first date; that’s what they want, and if their body chemistry gives them the go-ahead, nobody can stop you.


Meanwhile, let the kissing not come early or in the middle; let it be the last thing before you leave the venue.



These are my first-date tips for you. They are all from my perspective, but they are surely the best advice you can rely on to have the best first date experience.


Which of the steps would you take first to get the most out of your first date?


We are waiting to hear from you.


If you are not clear about anything he said, then ask questions.

What Should You Not Do on Your First Date?


As much as your first date should be the most enjoyable day, there are things you shouldn’t do on this very day, and I will show you in a minute.


Never be late.

I’ve already shown you the importance of getting there early. Unfortunately, many advisers said it is good to be late to your first date. No, that’s a lie.


Being late shows you can’t manage your time properly. To prevent that, get ready on time and set out early too.



Don’t forget your manners.


Behave yourself throughout your first date. Don’t give your partner reasons to wonder if you are worth dating or not.


That simply means you should take precautions in what you say, do, and all your actions.


Remember to Go Alone:


The appointment is just for two; don’t invite anybody to the special occasion, which is meant just for two, not for two or more.


Leave the group outing for next time. Go and have fun with your new date.


Keep Your Phone Down:


It would be best to switch your phone off and concentrate on your date. You can look at it after your special occasion.


The best way to show your partner how interested you are in your relationship is to concentrate.


Now that you know what you should or should not do during your first date, let’s look at another important question:

Do some research about your date before the time:

This sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? But it is also a good step to take to make your first date interesting. Researching your date can be a good way to ensure a more enjoyable and smoother experience.

It helps you discover common interests you can talk about to make your conversation more engaging and meaningful. Also, it shows genuine effort and interest, which can create a good impression of you.

To gather information, I will advise you to check their social media profiles to learn about their activities, hobbies, or topics they always love to talk about.

You may also reach out to their intimate friends for insights into what they like most.

However, be ready to keep your research respectful and not invasive. Your goal for doing that is to use the information to make your conversations natural and not interrogatory.

Keep Your Date Short And Sweet:

This is one of the first-date advice you shouldn’t play with. Interesting dates are not very long; it are shot. A shorter date can leave both of you gasping for more and set time for your interaction next time.

Plan your date to last from 1-2 hours. It provides you enough time to get to know each other without overstaying, which can can make your first date cumbersome.

If things are going as it should, you can always decide to extend the date. Having a stipulated time shows your consideration for your time together and also creates expectations for your next date.

 This approach ensures great experiences and makes both of you more eager to meet again, thereby fostering a gradual and interesting build-up in your relationship 

Be Ready To Pay:

Being ready to pay on your first day shows your sense of responsibility and thoughtfulness. It is a gesture that demonstrates how you value the times  you spent together and it is considerate of your date’s comfort 

When the bills come, show that you want to cover the cost, or at least pay for some potion if it is. This act reflects preparedness and generosity. If your date insists on paying or spilling the bill, accept their decision without argument.

The key is to convey appreciation and respect for their company and to set a positive tone for your relationship. Ultimately, it is all about mutual respect and the gesture it communicates.

Mind Your Body Language:

It is important that you mind your body language during your first date. Mostly, non-verbal cues impact how other’s perceive your comfort and interest level significantly.

Positive love language helps to establish trust and rapport. To convey your engagement, maintain good eye contact; that will signal confidence and attentiveness. A genuine smile will create a welcoming environment and show how approachable you are.

Leaning forward slightly indicates you are actively interested in your conversation. Additionally, when you cross your arms, your date may see that as being disinterested or defensive.

Additionally, frequently looking at your phone means distraction or lack of interest. When you are mindful of these cues, you can have better communication and connection on your first date.

Is it right to kiss on your first date? 


If you are asking this same question, then here are the simplest answers to that question.


There is nothing wrong with kissing on your first date. It is not bad, and it is not a sin. If the environment is okay for you, there is no special rule.


Many people prefer to have sex on their first date; that’s what they want, and if their body chemistry gives them the go-ahead, nobody can stop you.


Meanwhile, let the kissing not come early or in the middle; let it be the last thing before you leave the venue.



These are my first-date tips for you. They are all from my perspective, but they are surely the best advice you can rely on to have the best first date experience.


Which of the steps would you take first to get the most out of your first date?


We are waiting to hear from you.


First date advice 6: Maintain your boundaries

Going on a date with someone you are yet to know could be so challenging. This is why you should be ready to uphold your boundaries.


Your boundaries show your intended spouse what you like or don’t want during the first date.


It’s important to uphold your boundaries and keep watch over how your date respects them; if he respects them, then relax and enjoy your great first date. If not, then that’s the red flag.


There is every need to feel safe on your first date, so don’t neglect it and whatever you should do to be safe.


Don’t be afraid to say no to any pressure from your date. Your best relationship is still on the way.


First date advice seven: don’t tell everything about yourself.


It’s surely your first date, and you want to enjoy it to the fullest. With the joy of being with someone new, you may want to tell them all about you on your new date.


Just wait a minute. Although it is not a crime if you do, let it be a puzzle for your friend.


Give them that opportunity to find out about you themselves. It will be fun if they find it out gradually. Don’t you think so?


First date advice eight: Have Fun All The Way:


The first date is always an enjoyable moment, so have fun.


Don’t hold anything back. Enjoy all you can. If your date dresses pretty well, tell him/her.


If the venue is nice, say that and complement your new date with the right choice of venue.


Remember to be truthful and open about whatever you will say during your conversations.


If you are not clear about anything he said, then ask questions.

What Should You Not Do on Your First Date?


As much as your first date should be the most enjoyable day, there are things you shouldn’t do on this very day, and I will show you in a minute.


Never be late.

I’ve already shown you the importance of getting there early. Unfortunately, many advisers said it is good to be late to your first date. No, that’s a lie.


Being late shows you can’t manage your time properly. To prevent that, get ready on time and set out early too.



Don’t forget your manners.


Behave yourself throughout your first date. Don’t give your partner reasons to wonder if you are worth dating or not.


That simply means you should take precautions in what you say, do, and all your actions.


Remember to Go Alone:


The appointment is just for two; don’t invite anybody to the special occasion, which is meant just for two, not for two or more.


Leave the group outing for next time. Go and have fun with your new date.


Keep Your Phone Down:


It would be best to switch your phone off and concentrate on your date. You can look at it after your special occasion.


The best way to show your partner how interested you are in your relationship is to concentrate.


Now that you know what you should or should not do during your first date, let’s look at another important question:

Do some research about your date before the time:

This sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? But it is also a good step to take to make your first date interesting. Researching your date can be a good way to ensure a more enjoyable and smoother experience.

It helps you discover common interests you can talk about to make your conversation more engaging and meaningful. Also, it shows genuine effort and interest, which can create a good impression of you.

To gather information, I will advise you to check their social media profiles to learn about their activities, hobbies, or topics they always love to talk about.

You may also reach out to their intimate friends for insights into what they like most.

However, be ready to keep your research respectful and not invasive. Your goal for doing that is to use the information to make your conversations natural and not interrogatory.

Keep Your Date Short And Sweet:

This is one of the first-date advice you shouldn’t play with. Interesting dates are not very long; it are shot. A shorter date can leave both of you gasping for more and set time for your interaction next time.

Plan your date to last from 1-2 hours. It provides you enough time to get to know each other without overstaying, which can can make your first date cumbersome.

If things are going as it should, you can always decide to extend the date. Having a stipulated time shows your consideration for your time together and also creates expectations for your next date.

 This approach ensures great experiences and makes both of you more eager to meet again, thereby fostering a gradual and interesting build-up in your relationship 

Be Ready To Pay:

Being ready to pay on your first day shows your sense of responsibility and thoughtfulness. It is a gesture that demonstrates how you value the times  you spent together and it is considerate of your date’s comfort 

When the bills come, show that you want to cover the cost, or at least pay for some potion if it is. This act reflects preparedness and generosity. If your date insists on paying or spilling the bill, accept their decision without argument.

The key is to convey appreciation and respect for their company and to set a positive tone for your relationship. Ultimately, it is all about mutual respect and the gesture it communicates.

Mind Your Body Language:

It is important that you mind your body language during your first date. Mostly, non-verbal cues impact how other’s perceive your comfort and interest level significantly.

Positive love language helps to establish trust and rapport. To convey your engagement, maintain good eye contact; that will signal confidence and attentiveness. A genuine smile will create a welcoming environment and show how approachable you are.

Leaning forward slightly indicates you are actively interested in your conversation. Additionally, when you cross your arms, your date may see that as being disinterested or defensive.

Additionally, frequently looking at your phone means distraction or lack of interest. When you are mindful of these cues, you can have better communication and connection on your first date.

Is it right to kiss on your first date? 


If you are asking this same question, then here are the simplest answers to that question.


There is nothing wrong with kissing on your first date. It is not bad, and it is not a sin. If the environment is okay for you, there is no special rule.


Many people prefer to have sex on their first date; that’s what they want, and if their body chemistry gives them the go-ahead, nobody can stop you.


Meanwhile, let the kissing not come early or in the middle; let it be the last thing before you leave the venue.



These are my first-date tips for you. They are all from my perspective, but they are surely the best advice you can rely on to have the best first date experience.


Which of the steps would you take first to get the most out of your first date?


We are waiting to hear from you.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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