
Here Are 13 Outstanding Wife Roles In Marriage

In this post, we will look at the wife roles in marriage. What they do to make sure their marriage is happy and successful.

Often, when it looks like your marriage is failing, you are likely to blame each other for the new experiences. But the truth is that when it comes to couples, marriage is successful. The husband must know the wife’s roles in marriage, and the wives should know the husband’s roles too.

So instead of blaming each other, both of you should come together to know who didn’t play their part well and then think of how to make it better again in your marriage.

Of course, not that the love has died, it may only be a momentary emotional withdrawal, but whatever it is, the blame should not be for your husband only, you are supposed to share in the blame.

Every happy and successful marriage is built on the commitment of both couples and thrives well when wives’ roles in marriage function effectively. And surely, if happiness depends on the commitment of husband and wife, then the blame should also be shared among the two.

So here are some unique wife roles in a marriage that every woman is supposed to play to make the marriage work.
I was opportune to discuss with some couples that were having challenges in their marriages; most of the facts I gathered showed that there are certain attitudes the women exhibit that are capable of making a man start withdrawing from her.

This is why you should know your role as a woman to bring your husband back and close again.

All I listed below are the wife’s roles in marriage.

Here Are 12 Famous Wife Roles In Marriage:

Outstanding Wife Roles In Marriage One: See Your Husband As A Friend: 

The reason why some marriages fail is when a wife starts seeing the spouse as a husband instead of a friend.
Seeing your spouse as a friend will make you know him better and know his likes and dislikes.

Because you will always love to stay close to him, and one of the recipes of a good marriage is emotional intimacy.
When you see him as a husband, what you will have in mind is that he is different from you, and there may be a gap between the two of you.

However, when you are friends, there will be honesty, trust, and security.
You will be rest assured that nothing bad will happen to you because your friend will be there for you all the time.

Take your time to know him well, his likes and dislikes. Then you are sure you have the friend you want.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Two: Don’t Try To Change Him:


One of the main keys to marital success is compromise. That simply means we shouldn’t always desire to have our way in everything and every time in our relationship, and we should accept it that way.

All we need to do is simply adjust ourselves to accommodate the other person the way they are and be careful to observe our partner’s feelings before acting. Never think of changing your husband; it may not work for you and may cause serious problems for you too.

The change will only come if you can get down on your knees and pray or change yourself first. Moreover, if you think you can do it on your own, then you will expect to have a serious withdrawal from him.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Three: Support Your Man and Your Family:

As a wife and a mother, you should be of special support to your husband and your family in general. Support their dreams, whether long or short-term dreams. Share them up when they are feeling discouraged and part them in the back when they achieve their goals.

Remember that they are all your responsibility as the mother and wife of the house.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Four: Take Care Of Your Household Duties:

A clean house makes the family happy and healthy, and it is your duty as a wife to make your home neat.
Keep everywhere clean; your husband will be happy if he comes home with friends and meets everywhere clean. Ask your husband to help out with some domestic work. But share the work among the children to help out too.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Five: Submit Yourself To The Leadership Of Your Husband:

According to God’s command, your husband should be the lord over you; your husband was commanded to love you while you submit to him. Submission is not what you believe it is. It doesn’t mean you should blindly obey him or obey him to a stupor.

That means to honor and respect him. It is only when you honor your husband that you’ll expect his love.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Six: Tell Him About Your Needs And Wants Effectively:

Be bold to tell your husband your needs and wants, but not with a harsh voice.
Understand the best way and the best time to tell your husband about what you want. Do not always assume he knew about it, because he is not a mind reader.

Do not choose to quarrel as a way of getting what you want from him.
There are better ways you can communicate your needs to your husband without fights.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Seven: Take Care Of Yourself:

Most women stop taking care of themselves once they are married. Every man wants his wife to look good and detests it when their wives are not looking after themselves.

Look back to those days when you were still dating Marry; something attracted you to him—maybe the way you were looking smart and sexy, your beautiful, elegant stature. Probably, you don’t even know you are going out of weight, and your hair has not been taken care of.

My advice to you is to try and get those old pictures back again. Take good care of yourself; change your wardrobe if you have little money to spend; or take care of the ones you have already. Take your bath often and wear good makeup. You will attract him back.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Eight: Never Discuss Your Marriage Outside: 

Learn never to discuss your marriage, your husband, or even the challenges in your marriage with anybody outside. You and your husband should have everything in order around the house. Sharing your marriage problem outside could mar your marriage.

No one can help you because everyone is busy dealing with his problems.
Check If there is a need to share your problems, then look for a good marriage therapist.

But you must also be careful not to choose the wrong therapist; otherwise, you’ll get the worst results that you had before.
You can work with your partner to deal with any issues of any type; you will just compromise a little bit. That’s the trick.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Nine: Admit your wrongs when you are:

If you spill the beans, accept it, and don’t cause serious arguments for what you did. The only thing that will save the situation is to quickly admit and say sorry.
Accept your mistakes when you are wrong and also be the first to say, “I am sorry.”. It is better than prolonging the matter.

Wife Roles in Marriage Ten: Make Yourself Available:

One of the most important roles in marriage is to bring her family to the care of the Lord. God made you so that both of you will complement each other. You need your husband, and your husband needs you so your relationship will thrive effectively.

That simply means you must always be there for each other in good times and bad times. When he needs support, encouragement, and help, you are the first person he will look up to.

Some husbands seem to find solace outside just because their wives are not available. If you are, you won’t lose your man to outsiders.


Outstanding Wife Roles In Marriage Eleven: Always Ask For His Opinions:

This is one of the serious wife duties in marriage. Do you know what this means? Your husband will feel elated when you ask for his opinion on anything you want to do. That shows him the value you placed on him.

To seek his opinion will not make you less; it will only make you a submissive wife who wants her marriage happy and her marriage successful.

Wife Roles In Their Marriage Twelve: Always Pray For Your Family:

I don’t know about you, but I have the consciousness that God answers women’s prayers more than men. Therefore, make sure you pray for your husband and your family at large daily.

If possible, have agreement prayers and make sure that your family is always connected to God. Soonest you will see God’s hands manifesting in your marriage.

Outstanding Wife Roles in Marriage Thirteen: Although men can cook also, it is your duty as the mother and the wife to cook for your family.

Men love food, and the best way to your man’s heart is through his belly. Know what he likes and learn how to prepare them. There are places you can learn that, like YouTube and Facebook. Experiment with many uncommon foods and make your husband and family know you as the best mom, wife, and cook they have.

Your husband will always long to come home on time just to have a taste of your new recipe.


When men understand their wives’s roles in marriage, it will make things pretty much easier for you and your family, and it will also make things work well in your marriage. Read the post carefully and try all the ideas I posted.

When wife roles in marriage are properly understood, then you are on your way to a strong, happy, and lasting marriage. Congratulations!



AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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