
10 ways to find a perfect man to marry .

If you are looking to settle down someday as a woman, your greatest desire will be to find a perfect man to marry. Isn’t it?

What if I asked you to paint a picture of what a good and perfect husband looks like to you, what would it be? A tall, handsome, fair in complexion, ETC. Those are good.

But if I could give you a list of other things you could use as a checklist, to identify that type of man that you have always dreamed of; would it be a waste of time? I guess not.

The fact is that whenever you make up your mind to search for that Mr. Right, it is always good to paint the picture in your mind’s eyes.

To make the painting easier for you, I have listed some of the qualities as a checklist for your search.

And here they are. : )

10 Ways to Find a perfect Man To Marry.

But here is one important thing: you must get yourself ready in other to attract that right guy in your life first; because guys don’t marry any type of girl; they look for that girl that is wife material and possess all these characters listed below.

Cool and always relaxed:

Men don’t like it when a girl is possessive, controlling or moody; they care for a more relaxed and respectful girl. Be genuine and real. He will feel more relaxed with you when he noticed that you are not feigning who or what you are not.

  • Have a life: Build a life for yourself. Have goals and pursue them, work on your passions, just try and make your life interesting. Even if you have low esteem, try and boost it up, love and trust yourself. If you can’t trust yourself, you will find it hard to trust anyone and people will not trust you also.
  • Have respect for yourself: Know what you want and never go against your wish just because want to keep a guy. Never feel uncomfortable when you want to say yes or not. You should be able to respect yourself so your man will respect you too.
  • Be yourself: It is obvious you will want to impress your dream man, and you may want to be someone else just to win his love. Now tell me how far you will live someone else life. Men like someone who is proud of who she is, so be yourself.

If you put all these in place, then this is the right time to find a perfect man to marry.

2 Someone that is devoted to God:

There is nothing that can be compared to a man whose life is devoted to God.

The Bible described him well in Psalm 1: 1 – 3.

Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of the sinner, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

  1. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in the law doth he meditates day and night.
  2. And he shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season, his leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

This is a perfect description of the type man every woman must dream of; the type of man that can provide for his family

The man that will prosper in everything he puts his hand in.

Look for a gentleman:

A perfect guy must be such that is considerate, give attention to his woman, is polite.

A good man must understand that the way he looks, behaves and the way he communicates with others must bring values and great insights to others as regard to his characters.

He knows that the strength he possesses was not acquired from a gym, but rather his true strength is demonstrated through the character he exhibits.

Here are a few traits of a gentleman.

  • He is not selfish with his time, resources and wisdom; he is interested in extending a hand to others through service.
  • He devotes himself to learning and always gives room for change.
  • He knows what is appropriate to do at any given time: he can easily navigate through many social as well as professional settings without difficulties.
  • He is always confident.
  • He knows the way to communicate properly with other people that come close to him.

Just imagine from all these descriptions what your marriage will look like if you are able to find a perfect man to marry this? type of man as a husband? 


A man of integrity is that person people can trust. They trust that he will do whatever he says. His partner believes him when he said he is working late.

He is promoted in his work because they believe and trust he is perfect for the position. Anybody that comes around him will not fear but will be confident.

A man with integrity is the kind of man you can fully rely on because you are sure he will always be on your side whenever you need him.

These men sometimes will want to make sure you qualify for their respect before they give it to you because they will not want to compromise their status.

An honest man:

Who is an honest man? How can you know if you see him?

An honest man is that man you can depend on any word he says. Honesty is one of the most important ingredients of any successful marriage.

How would you feel if you marry that man who will always be open to you about his feelings, someone who will admit it when he is wrong or right and he is all ready to tell you whatever you want to know without hiding anything? You will love that right.

Look for a hardworking man:

You must look for that guy that is hardworking so you can enjoy your marriage. Always have the future in your mind when you are making decisions; think about marrying non- hard working man and in the future instead of being happy, you are struggling with life again.

I didn’t say rich guy; he may not be rich at the moment, but you know that he is active and can go beyond just to get that his dreams come true.

That is the type of guy that is worth living with.

 A man that is physically active:

If a man is physically active, he also is attractive both physically and also active sexually.

Though you may not see the reason now, however, when the time comes you must know why you should go for a physically active man. Let me give you a little reason why; physically active men have a strong drive sexually.

Generally, men are more sexually active in their earlier age, now think about when he is not active physically; the tendency is that your sex life may be terrible. So look for such an active guy.

Search for a guy with a good personality:

Every one of us has a personal definition of personality, but I think everyone will be comfortable to stay with the guy that has a good sense of humor and will be able to laugh if there is a need for that, he is the talking type and friendly.

The type of guy that will appreciate every little thing you do, polite and respectful.

Look for that man you can trust:

Trust is one thing that indispensable in every relationship in general and marriage in particular. It is a sordid thing to be with a guy that can never trust you in anything at all.

How would you want to be with that guy who will call you many times when you are out; not because he wants to inquire of your well-being, but because he wants to make sure you are where you said you were going to.

That type of man that will think you are cheating on him just because you did not pick up his calls on time is not worth living your life with so look for that confident man.

Find the more mature man:

Marriage is for the people that are matured physically and in the mind, people who are matured well enough to handle the affairs of the marriage.

Marriage is a very delicate institution that requires care and nurturing. It takes the more mature man to know what to do at a point in time.

He must be matured enough to understand your feelings, your need and to tell you when he is happy and when he is not. Matured to ask you for a day out and be ready to respect you at those moments you are together.

His emotional maturity is important as well; at least form the way he responds to stress and frustrations you should be able to know if they overwhelm him or he is in charge always.


look for the man that will be available always:

Do you know that someone could be single and yet not available? He may either still be holding ties with the else, or consumed with work or even prefer to pally with a friend more than being there for any other person.

Although this may be hard for you to figure out in the beginning, I think you can ask him. Just build up the courage to do that.

Knowing this early will prevent regrets in the future.

Rounding up:

They said that love is blind, but I think you must open your eyes wide when you are looking for the guy to marry.

Remember, marriage is not for one day, one week, one month or one year; it is for a lifetime so I think you must have a plan for how your marriage will be. That starts with your choice of husband. However, Reading this post is a very good direction for you on how to find a perfect man to marry.

When you chose well, you will live to enjoy; but if you chose right, it is an ending joy. So tell me which would you chose.

It is absolutely up to you.

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AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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