
10 Exclusive couples valentine’s day ideas for you now.

If you and your partner are brainstorming about romantic ways to celebrate this Valentine’s day, then this post is perfect for you, and in a few minutes, I will show you some perfect couples valentine’s day ideas that will be suitable and inexpensive for you.

The fact is that Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be expensive or that fanciful before it’s perfect because it should be all about spending some special time with the love of your life.

Although there are a series of things you can do to make this Valentine’s Day remarkable, however, I want to be sure what I’ll show you in this post will not be quickly forgotten by both you and your partner.

And so even if you didn’t visit Disneyland, you’ll do your best to make your partner feel extra special during this Val’s Day.
If that is what you want, then here are interesting couples valentine’s day ideas for you.

      10 Couples Valentine’s Day ideas.

Couples Valentine’s Day ideas one

The best thing about Valentine’s Day is that you are spending good times with someone special to you and not how or where you spent the day, therefore if you want to spend this valentine’s day indoors, that’s not a crime. 

All you need to do is to add a little creativity and you’ll have the best valentine’s day ever. Try setting up your valentine’s dinner table with a flowered table cover that has a touch of red on it, decorate the table with some nice flowers, then put background music with slow music to make the atmosphere romantic.

Before the dinner, just relax in your nice decorated apartment with your spouse and talk about how you loved each other. You have surely spent many years together, so there may be not so many things to talk about this time: but you can introduce some fun conversation topics, ask questions to help you learn new things about each other.

What are those things that have added to the love you have for each other, and what has not worked well for your relationship? These are a few points you can talk about today, but understand that valentine’s day is not a day to settle disputes,  it is a day of love.

Couples Valentine’s Day ideas Two:-

Heart shape candy and Valentine’s Day sign

Eat Out:-

You must not celebrate Valentine’s Day inside your house; you can also have fun outside. There are many things you can do outside to enjoy your valentines day with your partner like

  • Eating out
  • Going to Cinema
  • Visit less privileged homes
  • Go to museum
  • Have a picnic.
  • Go for hiking
  • Play couples games. Etc.
  • Choose whatever you feel can bring joy and happiness to you and your partner. Remember that valentine’s day comes once every 365 days, so seize the day.

Couples Valentine’s Day ideas Three

Write an Open Romantic Letter to her about Why You love him/her:-

Get a romantically designed book and pen down some reasons why you love your partner. You don’t have to be a good writer, but let the writing flow from deep down your heart. Put the love letter in their wallet, bag, paste it on the door where they will see it by surprise.

To make it more thrilling, mail the love note to your partner on a cute romantic postcard: In the letter, tell them how much you love them and why you will love them for the rest of your life. Share the good memories you had together. All these will make him or her smile and remember the day for a long time.

Couples Valentine’s Day ideas Four

Drop some Love Signs:-

Wow, your spouse with some drops of love signs at every corner of the house so when he/ she comes home on that 14 February he/ she will meet the surprises. Place a beautifully designed welcome home on the door leading to the kitchen and sitting room.

Another good idea for your val will be to drop romantic notes to his/ her car describing how you love your spouse. That will keep him/her thrilled always.

5) Visit Cinema:-

Go to any cinema around or far from your area and watch nice romantic movies together. If possible, you can go to a nearby State or country to watch good romantic movies.

the best thing you can do when you are at the Cinema is to have fun, enjoy yourself and your spouse. Before you get to the cinema, be sure to get some snacks and drinks and when you get there, look for a seat that will be comfortable for two of you.

6) Have sweet and passionate sex:-

I know you’ve been making love all the while, but this Valentine’s day takes some time to have the type of sex you’ve never had before.

If it entails learning new ways to make it passionate enough, do so. Let the lovemaking be a lasting memory in your mind.

7) Get Gifts:-

Cropped shot of a loving husband giving his wife a gift. Boyfriend surprise his beautiful girlfriend with present while she is sitting on the sofa in the living room at home. Focus is on the gift.

Surprise your spouse with nice customized gifts. It may not be a costly gift, but just get something your partner will cherish. You are free to ask your spouse what he or she likes if you are not sure.

Gifts giving is a very important aspect of every relationship and Valentine’s day is a good time to give good gifts. Giving gifts to your spouse doesn’t mean he or she is materialistic, you are not trying to buy her love either. This Val, your gifts can express the sentiments you can’t, so use this opportunity to give to your spouse.

8) Have romantic Discussion:-

This should not be time to talk about money or job experiences. Just talk about your love for each other and what to do to love each other better. Remind each other of the first day you met.

Discuss how to improve your relationship, sex life, and your relationship in general. Remember that Valentine’s day is all about Love, therefore take your time to talk about love.

9) Get Cultural:-

Take a tour of a museum or art gallery. This can ignite some romantic conversation that will make both of you know more about each other. Visit a zoo, caves, and other exciting places with your spouse. Have as much fun as you can.

10) Enjoy cooking together:-

If there’s any meal you enjoy so much, then the two of you can get busy preparing it together. It feels so amazing creating something romantic with your love.

When you are done with that, set up a dinner table for two with candlelight, with soft music, and enjoy your meal together. Make an unusual meal, don’t let it be the same meals all over. If you don’t know much about meals, then search YouTube, you’ll be amazed at what type of delicacies you will get. Try them out together. If you get the cooking right, then enjoy yourself if it is not sweet, still go ahead and enjoy it while criticizing your creativity.


Love shouldn’t only be given or taken only on valentine’s day. Make every day special using these couples valentine’s day ideas in this post daily and see your partner happy always, and your marriage becoming stronger.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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