Categories: Marriage

Family Time: How To Balance Screen Time and Family

While everybody loves the benefits that come with living in a technological age, it is crucial to use it moderately. Technology, and especially the use of a smartphone, forms such a big part of our lives, but it has silently eaten into family time and strained relationships.

In this post, you will learn how to balance your time with your family and your screen time. Let’s dive in. But first, let’s understand what family time entails.

What Does Family Time Mean?

Family time is that intentional time spent  by families in activities that bring them closer to one another. It provides an important basis for relationships, communication, and emotional well-being within a family.

In sports, it can be elaborated further that the more a team trains together frequently, the better their unity and, therefore, performance, with time.

For example, teams in basketball and all other sports teams are known to do better if they train frequently. According to one study, groups that trained more hours saw their win percentage increase by up to 20%.

Similarly, families who put more value on the regular quality time they spent reported experiencing greater happiness and lesser stress.

Similar to sports, this would bring about time together for family unification, trust, and resilience, hence creating a healthier home environment. However, without balancing the screen time and your time together as family, it may after those beautiful familial moments. 

Effects Of Excessive Screen Time On Family Time:

1. It Affects Emotional Connection:

One of the things the excessive use of mobile phone does on any marriage is that it will reduce the quality of time couples will stay together. This affects the emotional connection greatly.

Meaningful conversations hardly take place when partners are lured by their phones or tablets; the sense of intimacy fades away. This emotionally drifts them apart over time, which makes both partners feel unimportant to one another.

The absence of this emotional connection further leads to misunderstandings and reduced affection toward each other, thus making both partners feel less important to one another, culminating in declining relationship satisfaction.

2. Increased Feelings of Loneliness:

Paradoxically, In as much as technology helps to link people across the world, it is capable also of alienating husbands and wives in the same house. If one or both partners are constantly plugged into their screens, their companion may begin to feel ignored and lonely.

This isolation within the marriage could create the feeling of being abandoned where one partner perceives to be overlooked with regard to his needs and presence. These feelings of loneliness can add up over time and create fissures in that very foundation—a marriage—such as emotional withdrawal and probable resentment.

3. Increased Conflict:

Being glued to your phone every time can cause so many issues in your relationship, especially when it dominates your daily routine as couples. This conflict may be about the amount of time each other spends on gadgets, what exactly one is viewing, or even the disregard for other duties.

For instance, one will feel belittled or unloved when the other is constantly caught up in social media or gaming. These escalating arguments could go on and on, completely taking away the trust between them and leaving a very bad atmosphere for the marriage, often causing irreparable damage to the relationship.

4. Disrupted Family Dynamics.

Excessive screen time is often going to completely interfere with family dynamics, not only for the couple but also for their kids. Preoccupation with gadgets might result in inconsistent parenting and the absence of family bonding time.

The children may feel neglected, and family structure ends up being fragmented as each one faces his or her screen rather than interacting with one another.

This might alienate the family members from each other, leading to weakening in bonding; moreover, it diminishes effective communication and reduces that sense of oneness which is a trademark of a family home.

5. More Conflict

Another thing Excessive Screen time and less family time cause is more conflict. It can readily become the main source of contention if it monopolizes your daily schedule as couple. For example, couples may disagree about the amount of time spent on gadgets or the kind of content consumed.

In other words, one may think that the other is shirking responsibilities or leaving the person unattended, unwanted, or perhaps even unloved while constantly gaming or scrolling through social media.

Quite often, conflicts are born, and with them the gradual grating of trust and creating a bad tone in marriage, which might be seriously detrimental to the permanent relationship.

Now you have seen few ways lack of family time and excessive addiction on your mobile can cause, let’s look at how balance the two of them.

How To Balance Screen Time And Family Time:

1) Set up Screen-Free Zones:

Screen-free zones at home will bring in better balance between screen and family time. Have places, such as the dining room or the living room, that are strictly off-limits to screens so that family members will begin to be more aware of each other instead of their devices.

This strengthens an individual’s sense of connecting through actual physical presence and builds closer family ties. Segmenting screen time into smaller areas of actions allows one to set priorities more easily on family time and to create a much healthier environment for everyone.

2) Engage in family activities that offer an alternative to screens:

Replace screen time with other interactive family activities such as playing board games, outdoor sports, or making food together. Activities like these help to make strong bonds and give time to the family. By engaging in an activity that is pleasurable to do, one does not feel the need to depend on screens for entertainment.

This fuels the relationships and offers excellent memories to be relished. Family activities promote a good balance between the use of screens and personal time.

3) Schedule Screen Time and Family Time:

Mapping out a specific time for screen time and family time balances these two things. Clear boundaries set by restricting the screen use to a particular time make sure that family time is never missed during the day.

This also keeps you back from these distractions and makes sure that you are not spending your quality time with your loved ones by habitually using screens. A well-structured schedule helps in balancing these aspects.

4) Take The Lead And Show Examples:

One the ways you can also balance the screen time and your time with your family is by modeling it to your children. When children observe that their parents practice limited screen time and spend time with the family, they usually do the same.

As you do so, you are setting a standard you want to your household. That will create a culture where time together is valued. This will help ensure everyone is more considerate to screen habits and engages in meaningful interactions.

5) Command Tech-Free Family Meals.

Meals can be the best time to have meaningful conversation and engagement with your family, and not screens. Initiating a no-tech rule at mealtimes is more likely to capture each family member’s interest in a meaningful conversation about each other’s experiences in the day.

A time allocated to the family builds helps the relationship to grow and establishes total presence time. Therefore, when you make your mealtime a no-screen time it will give more room for deeper connections with each other, resulting in uninterrupted conversation—one of the most important elements to hold family ties close to each other. Family Meals.

6) Plan To Have Regular Family Outings:

Having regular family activities without your mobile phones can also be a good way to balance family time and screen time. This will reduce the temptation for devices, thereby resulting in closer family bonding.

You can choose to go for Saturday hike, visit a local museum, or have picnic in any park around you, there are many opportunities for bonding and having good communication. According to a study by the University of Illinois, families that had family time outdoors showed more cohesion and less stress.

This is because being outdoors seems to naturally generate topics for conversations and eliminate many of the sources of interference common in homes, enabling family members to direct attention toward one another rather than toward screens of all kinds.

Furthermore, improved mood and energy that may be accumulated through the physical activity of many outings further raise the quality of family time.

7) Encourage Mindful Technology Use:

It means being conscious of when and how a person is using screens and making deliberate decisions to ensure technology serves a useful purpose in his or her life, rather than detracts from it.

Encourage them to ask family members if the time they spend on their screens is really necessary or if it’s just a habit. Doing this will help to your family members to redress their steps.

A study in the Journal of Media Psychology found that people who were more ‘mindful’ when using technology had higher life satisfaction and lower technology-related stress. In forming this habit within your household, you’ll wind up having less mindless scrolling and more actual interaction time.

For example, instead of being on devices during leisure time, family members could converse, play games, or simply be with each other. This will not only reduce screen time but will also improve the quality of family relationships.


Putting a limit on screen time to create family time will ensure healthy family relations and a healthy home environment. Engaging in other activities with the family, creating screen-free zones, and being aware of the use of technology will help to create a substitution of interactions instead of distraction.

This paradigm acts with emotional connectedness to reduce conflicts, increase interactions, and create stronger family bonds.

Remember, it is not about a no-technology policy, but being responsible when one is using it; the idea is to use it in a way that it does not get in the way of one’s quality time with loved ones. Giving importance to family time, you see those relationships flourishing.


AIK UCHEGBU is a writer and an authority in anything that matters about marriage and how to build it successfully. His followers have been greatly enhanced by his findings. You will not be disappointed by coming to this site.

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